Transformation of socio-geographic and demographic realities of Czechia in European and global contexts

Transformation of the socio-geographic and demographic realities of Czechia in European and global contexts

Research topics mirror topical trends in research activities. Stress is focused on studying themes and problems that are relevant for society as a whole. The social relevance of research will increase in line with current developments at a global level: with growing geopolitical tensions, climate change, and the process of demographic aging on one hand, and the permanent migratory pressure on highly developed countries, growing dynamism of economic cycles etc. on the other. In fact, all of these circumstances enter the research while “global problems” are being tackled at various regional-hierarchical levels (Czechia, Europe, selected countries and regions of the world), mostly in their regional and local transformations (getting to know the how the process functions and suggestions for solving problems). Research pays special attention to studying spatial differentiation and the relationship between social and natural environments. A holistic - often interdisciplinary - approach is applied while quantitative and qualitative methods are used (including the geoinformatics/GIS tools).

The following issues represent selected topics of research:

  • a critical review of key concepts, theories, and methodological approaches

  • empirical analyses and synthesis of the regional, demographic, socio economic and socio cultural differentiation of society (driving forces, mechanisms, actors/subjects, impacts)

  • the development of population growth, the demographic aging process, and their impact on social/pension and health systems

  • the assessment of demographic changes in broader societal development

  • the development of the settlement system, the urbanization and suburbanization processes, and the transformation and restructuring of cities and rural areas

  • the impact of population mobility on demographic, social, economic, cultural, political and geographical structures, analyses of migration and integration policies, and the integration of migrants into the majority society

  • the globalization process, analyses of the impact of the economic crisis, the transformation of economic ties, flows of goods and capital, and the formation of transportation systems

  • global problems of the world, foreign aid, and development co-operation

Selected outputs

  • FIALOVÁ, L., HULÍKOVÁ TESÁRKOVÁ, K., KUPROVÁ, B. 2018. Determinants of the length of birth intervals in the past and possibilities of their study: a case study of Jablonec nad Nisou (Czech Lands) from 17th to 19th century. 2018. Journal of Family History. DOI 10.1177/0363199017746322

  • LUSTIGOVÁ, Michala, DZÚROVÁ, Dagmar, PIKHART, Hynek, KUBINOVA, Ruzena, BOBAK, Martin. Cardiovascular health among the Czech population at the beginning of the 21st century: a 12-year follow-up study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2018, roč. 2018, č. 72, s. 442-448

  • NOVOTNÝ, Josef, HASMAN, Jiří, LEPIČ, Martin. Contextual factors and motivations affecting rural community sanitation in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2018, roč. 22, č. 2, s. 121-133

  • PAVLÍNEK, Petr. Global production networks, foreign direct investment and supplier linkages in the integrated peripheries of the automotive industry. Economic Geography. 2018, roč. 94, č. 2, s. 141-165

  • KVĚTOŇ, Viktor, BLAŽEK, Jiří. Path-development trajectories and barriers perceived by stakeholders in two Central European less developed regions: narrow or broad choice? European Planning Studies. 2018, roč. 26, č. 10, s. 2058-2077

  • OUŘEDNÍČEK, Martin, NEMEŠKAL, Jiří, ŠPAČKOVÁ, Petra, HAMPL, Martin, NOVÁK, Jakub. A synthetic approach to the delimitation of the Prague Metropolitan Area. Journal of Maps. 2018, roč. 14, č. 1, s. 26-33

Last change: October 3, 2019 15:23 
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