Rector's Directive No. 59/2017

Effect: 1 September 2017

Principles for Competition of Top-Quality Monographs at Charles University

Article 1 – Call for, Procedure for, and Acceptance of Nominations

  1. All faculties and other units of Charles University (“CU”) to which means of institutional support for long-term conceptual development are allocated from the budget of CU in the current calendar year (“Faculties”) may take part in the competition.

  2. In the current calendar year, monographs from the calendar year before last that are recorded in the Register of Information on the Results (RIV) are evaluated. (Should the RIV not be accessible for any reason whatsoever, monographs recorded in the Personal Bibliographic Database (OBD) in the relevant year will be considered.)

  3. The Faculties will select max. 20% of monographs in the Czech or Slovak language which they consider most valuable from among those they produced, however, at least one monograph. In addition to this selection, the Faculties may nominate an indefinite number of foreign language monographs.

  4. Each nominated monograph is accompanied by a brief reasoning on its scientific excellence signed by the dean of a faculty (director of another unit), as well as with reviews thereof, if available.

  5. If a monograph has more than one author, a contribution by the corresponding part of the team of authors from the relevant faculty is included in the limit under paragraph 3. In the case of collective monographs, the share in authorship of the faculty authors will be marked in the hand-over report.

  6. The Faculties will deliver selected publications, including handover reports, to the Department of Science and Research of the Rector’s Office of CU, where they will be made available to members of evaluation boards.

Article 2 – Evaluation Boards

  1. The Research Board of CU will appoint two 11-member evaluation boards, one for the humanities and the other for the fields of medicine and natural sciences.

  2. Membership in an evaluation board (“the Board”) is incompatible with the performance of the office of the Rector, Vice-Rector, dean or vice-dean.

  3. The Board for the humanities will comprise one expert from each of the following Faculties: Catholic Theological Faculty, Protestant Theological Faculty, Hussite Theological faculty, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University, Centre for Theoretical Study, and Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education.

  4. The Board for the fields of medicine and natural sciences will comprise one expert from each of the following Faculties: First Faculty of Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, and Environment Centre. The Research Board of CU will further appoint as a member of this Board one expert who is not in an employment relationship with CU.

  5. A member of the Board for the humanities may have only one employment contract concluded with one of the units under paragraph 3. A member of the Board for the fields of medicine and natural sciences may have only one employment contract concluded with one of the units under paragraph In the case of an eminent employee of CU, the Research Board of CU may appoint as a member of the Board an employee of CU (including a former employee) irrespective of the condition prescribed in the first and second sentences of this paragraph.

  6. Members of the Boards must commit themselves in writing to an unbiased evaluation of works based solely on their scientific quality.

  7. A member of the Board will be remunerated for the work thereon.

  8. The Academic Senate of CU will nominate its observer to each Board.

Article 3 – Evaluation Process and Determination of Financial Reward

  1. Each member of the Board will award each monograph a whole number of points between 0 and 4. The Board may exclude from evaluation publications which have been nominated for competition but which are not monographs.

  2. Any evaluator/member of each of the Boards may award the same number of points to no more than one third of the monographs under evaluation.

  3. A member of the Board may not evaluate publications nominated by the Faculty with which he/she is in an employment relationship. A former employee of CU may not evaluate publications from the Faculty where he/she was employed.

  4. The final evaluation of each of the monographs will be determined as the average of points awarded by the respective evaluators.

  5. Based on the total of all final evaluations, the financial value of one point will be ascertained, and the financial reward for each monograph will be determined according to the final evaluation of the given monograph.

  6. The financial reward may be granted to no more than 75% of nominated publications in each Board. Therefore, the evaluations of publications which will not be granted a reward are not included in the total of all final evaluations under paragraph 5.

  7. The Boards will prepare a brief report on each evaluated monograph. In the absence of a member with required expertise, the Board may, for the purposes of the preparation of a report, approach an advisory expert who, however, has no vote.

  8. In order to provide support for monographs evaluated in the current calendar year, an amount determined in the budget of CU is earmarked.

  9. The results of the evaluation of monographs are to be published by 31st May of the given calendar year.

  10. Funds provided in the form of reward for respective monographs are provided to a relevant Faculty; at least one half of those means, including any possible deductions, must be used to reward the author of the monograph, or member(s) of the team of authors from the relevant Faculty.

Article 4 – Final Provisions

  1. This directive becomes effective on 1st September 2017.

  2. Rector’s Directives No. 3/2011, No. 15/2015 and No. 11/2017 are hereby repealed.

In Prague on 30th August 2017

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA


Last change: August 5, 2019 14:21 
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