Rector's Directive No. 39/2018

Procedures to establish the position of extraordinary professor and to fill such position at Charles University

Date of effect: 1 January 2019

Article 1

This Directive governs the procedure for establishing the position of Extraordinary Professor of Charles University (“CU”) and the procedure for filling the position of Extraordinary Professor of CU.

Article 2

The following individuals may become Extraordinary Professors of CU (“Extraordinary Professor”):

a) A person who has attained an academic position comparable to associate professorship or full professorship abroad; or

b) A person recognised as an outstanding specialist and whose professional standing in the respective area of study has been at least 20 years.

Article 3

Procedure to establish the position of Extraordinary Professor

1. A proposal is to be considered at a faculty or a university institute where the position of Extraordinary Professor is to be established, and for an area of study for which Charles University has acquired institutional accreditation.

2. The procedure to establish the position of Extraordinary Professor is to be commenced upon the proposal of the Dean of a faculty or the Director of an institute of Charles University submitted for consideration to the Research Board of a respective faculty or university institute.

3. Should the proposal be approved by a simple majority of members of the respective Research Board of a faculty or university institute present at the relevant meeting, the Dean of the respective faculty, or the Director of the respective university institute, is to submit, without undue delay, the approved proposal to the Rector to establish the position of Extraordinary Professor.

4. The Rector is to decide conclusively to establish the position of Extraordinary Professor.

Article 4

Procedure to fill the position of Extraordinary Professor

1. The proposal to fill the position of Extraordinary Professor is to be submitted to the Dean of a faculty or the Director of a university institute. The proposal must include the designation of the position to be occupied by the applicant, an area of study for which Charles University has attained institutional accreditation and within which the applicant for the position of Extraordinary Professor is to be engaged.

2. The proposal will be complemented with the following documents:

a) a structured CV of the applicant;

b) instruments proving the applicant´s education and the award of respective academic degrees;

c) instruments proving the applicant´s scientific titles and degrees and/or other qualifications comparable to associate or full professorship abroad; or an outline of practical professional standing within the respective area of study for at least 20 years;

d) a report of pedagogical activities of the applicant (in case the applicant has been a teacher in academia);

e) the applicant´s structured bibliography (in case the applicant has authored some publications); and

g) documents allowing for the evaluation of the applicant´s international experience, training of researchers and research outcomes (including grant projects, research projects, findings, innovations and significant inventions);

h) a brief outline of the applicant´s objectives should the position be established.

3. The Dean of a faculty or the Director of a university institute is to refer to the Rector, without undue delay, the proposal to fill the position of Extraordinary Professor.

4. The Rector is to submit, without undue delay, the proposal to fill the position of Extraordinary Professor to the Research Board of Charles University.

5. Provided the proposal to fill the position of Extraordinary Professor has been approved in secret ballot by a simple majority of all present members of the Research Board of Charles University, the Rector is to fill the position and appoints the applicant to be Extraordinary Professor. This is substantiated by awarding the applicant the decree of appointment.

6. In case the proposal to fill the position of Extraordinary Professor has not been approved in secret ballot by a simple majority of all present members of the Research Board of Charles University, the applicant is not admitted to the position.

Article 5

1. An Extraordinary Professor performs, under the employment contract, both pedagogical activities and activities within science, research, development, innovations, arts and/or other creative activities (“creative activities”) and other professional activities within the respective unit of a faculty or university institute to which the Extraordinary Professor has been assigned. An Extraordinary Professor may be instituted as the guarantor of a master´s or doctoral programme of study as well as a supervisor within a doctoral programme of study in accordance with the internal regulations of Charles University.

2. Requirements for particular performance of the position of Extraordinary Professor are to be determined by the respective Dean of a faculty, or the Director of a university institute.

3. An Extraordinary Professor is an academic employee of Charles University.

4. An Extraordinary Professor is not entitled to use the title of Professor before the name in the sense of Czech law; the person appointed an Extraordinary Professor may, in relation to the activities resulting from the position at Charles University, use the Czech designation “mimořádný profesor Univerzity Karlovy”, or “Adjunct Professor at Charles University” in English. This is without prejudice to the ability to use the title of Professor awarded abroad.

5. The position of Extraordinary Professor is not subject to competitive hiring procedure under Czech law.

Article 6


This Directive becomes effective on 1 January 2019.

Prague, 2 October 2018

Professor MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Last change: August 5, 2019 10:59 
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