Rector's Directive No. 45/2017 As amended by Rector's Directive No. 67/2017 and No. 1/2018

Procedure to handle applications for waiver and/or reduction of the fee for study.

To implement: Art. 3 (5) and Art. 4 (3) of Appendix No. 2 to the Constitution of Charles University – Fees For Study

Date of effect: 1 July 2017

Date of effect of the consolidated version: 1 February 2018

Article 1 - Interruption of study

1. An application for the reduction of a fee for study (“fee”) stipulated in section 58 (3) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (the Higher Education Act), should the party´s study have been interrupted for a period of time for which a previous fee has been assessed (Fee I), is to be satisfied if all conditions stated in paragraph 2 have been fulfilled; the amount of a second fee (Fee II) will be reduced under paragraph 3.

2. The conditions for the reduction of the amount of a fee are as follows:

a) All fees assessed under legally effective decisions issued by Charles University (“University”) must have been paid in due time and in the full amount;

b) An appeal against the decision assessing Fee II must have been lodged in time; the appeal must include an application for the reduction of Fee II due to the interruption of study for the period covered by Fee I;

c) Submitting a copy of the Dean´s decision interrupting study whereby

i. the study was interrupted upon a legally effective decision not later than within 120 days of the day when the duty to pay Fee I arose;

ii. the study was interrupted for a minimum of 90 days; and

d) The period of interruption for which Fee I was assessed was at least 60 days.

3. The amount of a fee reduction is set as a product of Fee I amount divided by constant 180 and the number of days of interruption of study within the period for which Fee I was assessed (“a”, but 180 as a maximum), i.e.

Fee I

amount of reduction = ------------------------ x a


The amount of the reduced fee is rounded up to whole crowns.

4. An application for the reduction of fee in relation to further interruption of study may be filed again as part of an appeal, i.e. after another fee has been assessed. Calculation of the new amount of Fee II is always based on the amount of Fee I assessed by the Rector of the University in the first-instance decision.

Article 2 - Birth of a child

An application for the waiver of a fee under section 58 (3) of the Higher Education Act due to the birth of a child within 9 months before the date when the duty to pay the fee arises, is to be satisfied and the whole amount of the fee waived. Only one fee may be waived due to the birth of a child although the party may have fulfilled the conditions stipulated above with respect to more fees.

Article 3 - Expiration of the maximum period of study

An application for the waiver of a fee for longer study under section 58 (3) of the Higher Education Act in programmes accredited in the Czech language, and for the waiver of a fee for study conducted in a foreign language under section 58 (4) of the Higher Education Act, on the grounds that the duty to pay the fee arises after the maximum period of study under Art. 4 (13) of the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University has expired, will be satisfied and the whole amount of the assessed fee is to be waived.

Article 4 - Completion of study

An application for the waiver of a fee under section 58 (3) of the Higher Education Act, on the grounds that the party has completed the respective study not later than one month after the date of the duty to pay the fee has arisen, will be satisfied and the whole amount of the assessed fee is to be waived.

Article 4a - Completion of a public or private school

An application for the waiver of a fee under section 58 (3) of the Higher Education Act will be satisfied if the party substantiates that after his or her earlier bachelor´s or master´s programmes, which had been terminated in a manner other than regular under section 45 (3) or section 46 (3) of the Higher Education Act, the party has completed an identical programme at a public or private school. At the same time, the party would not have exceeded a period of study ordinarily free of any fee; however, a fee was assessed for that period due to the failure to include earlier periods of study terminated in a manner other than regular under section 45 (3) or section 46 (3) of the Higher Education Act.

Article 5 - Other reasons

1. A list of reasons for the reduction or waiver of a fee under section 58 (3) of the Higher Education Act including percentage is provided in Appendix 1 to the Directive herein.

2. A fee for study conducted in a foreign language set under section 58 (4) of the Higher Education Act may be reduced or waived only exceptionally. The ground for the Rector´s decision is an opinion of the respective Dean.

3. A list of documents to be submitted along with an application for the reduction or waiver of a fee is posted on

Article 6 - Instalment plan

1. The Dean may, upon an application of the debtor, allow for an instalment plan.

2. Where the Dean decides that an outstanding fee assessed under section 58 (3) of the Higher Education Act should be enforced and collected the enforcement procedure is to be conducted by the Rectorate. In such case, an instalment plan may be approved only by the Rector.

3. Acknowledgment of the debt is part of an instalment plan agreement.

4. The form of an application for an instalment plan and the form of an instalment plan agreement are provided in Appendix 2 to the Directive herein.

Article 7 - Common, transitional and final provisions, effect

1. Where a party proves the existence of several reasons for the reduction or waiver of a fee assessed such fact is to be taken into consideration in the total amount of reduction of the fee.

2. The procedure to enforce and collect fees for longer study under section 58 (3) of the Higher Education Act in programmes accredited in the Czech language is to be conducted by Charles University through the Rectorate. The procedure to enforce and collect fees under section 58 (4) of the Higher Education Act in programmes taught in a foreign language is to be conducted by the respective faculties.

3. The Directive herein becomes effective on 1 July 2017.

4. Rector´s Directive No. 12/2015 is hereby repealed.

Prague, 10 January 2018

prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Last change: July 31, 2019 12:23 
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