Rector's Directive No. 51/2018

Charles University Library Rules

Date of effect: 15 November 2018

Article 1 – Introductory Provisions

1. The system comprising the Central Library of Charles University (CU) and libraries, institutes of scientific information, and the scientific information centres of faculties and other units (sectional libraries) is collectively called the CU Library.

2. The CU Library is entered in the register of libraries of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.1

Article 2 – Library Mission and Activities, Public Librarian and Information Services

1. The CU Library is a specialised library under s. 13 of Act No. 257/2001 Sb., regulating libraries and terms of operating librarian and information services for the public (the Libraries Act)2, as amended.

2. The basic task of the CU Library is to provide the librarian and information services necessary for scholarly and other creative activities at Charles University. The activities of the CU Library entail collecting, processing, and storing library and information documents in printed and electronic, or digitalised, form and making them available through library and information services to the CU Library users.

3. The CU Library provides public librarian and information services in accordance with the law.3 The CU Library may also provide additional public librarian and information services. Such additional services are mentioned in the operational rules of sectional libraries. The provision of additional services must not endanger the fulfilment of the basic task ofthe CU Library.

4. Basic public librarian and information services are provided free of charge. Sectional libraries may request the reimbursement of costs in cases regulated by law4. The list of fees constitutes an inherent part of the operational rules of individual sectional libraries.

Article 3 – Inter-library Services

Sectional libraries provide inter-library loan services5 (ILS) and international inter-library loan services (IILS). The detailed rules of ILS and IILS are provided in the operational rules of the relevant sectional library.

Article 4 – Acquisition and Stock Revision of Library Collection

The acquisition and stock revision of the library collection is carried out in sectional libraries6. Detailed rules are provided in the operational rules of the relevant sectional library.

Article 5 – Document Disposal

The document disposal is carried out in sectional libraries.7 Detailed rules are provided in the operational rules of the relevant sectional library.

Article 6 – Preservation of the Library Collection

The preservation of the library collection is carried out in sectional libraries.8 Detailed rules are provided in the operational rules of the relevant sectional library.

Article 7 – Users of the CU Library, their Registration and Rights

1. The users of the CU library are:

a) Students of CU;

b) Academic staff and scholars of CU;

c) Other employees of CU not mentioned in b);

d) Participants in life-long learning courses;

e) Holders of External User of Services personalised identity cards;

f) Employees of University hospitals co-operating with CU faculties not mentioned in other paragraphs;

g) Members of the ALUMNI club.

2. Artificial legal persons entered in the register of libraries of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic are collective users of the CU Library. The registration of such user in the CU Library is carried out upon the first request addressed to the CU Library in the system of inter-library or international inter-library loan services (ILS or IILS). Collective users do not use CU identity cards.

3. Public librarian and information services may be used on condition that a properly completed contract for the provision of services (user’s application) has been recorded in the library system by the designated member of staff of the relevant sectional library. Such record is provided free of charge. On submission of the contract the user proves his identity with his CU identity card.9 This provision does not apply in the case of users under (1) (f). By signing the contract, the user promises to respect the provisions of the CU Library Rules and the operational rules of the relevant sectional library and agrees to the saving of his personal data in the library system.

4. The users of public librarian and information services use CU identity cards issued under the Rector’s directive the Introduction and Use of Identity Cards at CU10, as amended, which serve for personal identification in all sectional libraries. This provision does not apply in the case of users under (1) (f).

5. The provision of librarian and information services for users under (1) (f) is regulated by the operational rules of the individual sectional libraries.

6. The CU Library processes a user’s personal data in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Sb., on the protection of personal data and changes in some laws, as amended, and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC known as GDPR (General Regulation)11.

Article 8 – Basic Rights and Duties of CU Library Users

1. Users have the right to use public librarian and information services according to the law,12 these CU Library Rules, and the operational rules of the relevant sectional libraries.

2. Users have the right to submit comments, complaints, and suggestions regarding the operation of the CU Library.

3. Users are obliged to follow the rules of the CU Library Rules, the operational rules of the relevant sectional libraries and respect instructions of staff issued in conformity with these regulations.

4. Users are obliged to protect the CU Library collection and equipment.

5. Users are obliged to provide compensation for any damage they cause to the CU Library in accordance with the relevant legislation.

6. The user’s right to use public librarian and information services in the CU Library may be suspended or cancelled in case of serious or repeated breaches of these Library Rules and the operational rules of sectional libraries.

Article 9 – Uniform Loan Rules

Loans in sectional libraries which make use of the Central Catalogue of CU are governed by the uniform loan rules currently in effect.

Article 10 – Operational rules of Sectional Libraries

Sectional libraries activities are regulated in detail by operational rules issued by deans or directors of other units in conformity with these Library Rules.

Article 11 – Common and Final Provisions

1. The Central Library of CU and sectional libraries will publish these CU Library Rules and the relevant operational rules on their web site.

2. The list of sectional libraries is provided in Appendix No. 1 to this directive.

3. The uniform loan rules are provided in Appendix No. 2 to this directive.

4. Information regarding the processing and protection of personal data is provided in Appendix No. 3 to this directive.

5. Rector’s directives No. 24/2016 and 21/2017 are repealed.

6. These CU Library Rules become legally effective on 15 November 2018.

In Prague on 14 November 11. 2018

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Appendix No. 1

Appendix No. 2

Appendix No. 3



S. 5 of Act No. 257/2001 Sb., regulating libraries and terms of operating library and information services for the public (the Libraries Act).



S. 4 of the Libraries Act.


S. 4 (2) to (5) of the Libraries Act.


S. 14 of the Libraries Act.


S. 16 of the Libraries Act.


S. 17 of the Libraries Act.


S. 18 of the Libraries Act.





S. 4 of the Libraries Act

Last change: August 5, 2019 11:49 
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