Rector's Directive No. 36/2019


Charles University Library and Circulation Rules

Effective as of:

1 December 2019

[Rector’s Directive No. 51/2018 is repealed]

Charles University Library and Circulation Rules

These Charles University Library and Circulation Rules (the “Rules”) are published under s. 4 of Act No. 257/2001 Coll., regulating libraries and terms of operating library and information services for the public, as amended, and for its enforcement.

Article 1 – Introductory Provisions

  1. The system comprising the Central Library of Charles University (the “CLCU”) and libraries, institutes of scientific information, and the scientific information centres of faculties and other units (sectional libraries) is collectively called the CU Library.

  2. The CU Library is entered in the register of libraries of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic under registration number 3498.

  3. The CU Central catalogue (the “Catalogue”) is an automated library system through which library and information services are provided.

  4. The electronic information resources (the “EIR”) are specialist licensed resources for science, research, and instruction.

Article 2 – CU Library Mission and Activities, Librarian and Information Services

  1. The CU Library is a specialised library under s. 13 of Act No. 257/2001 Coll., regulating libraries and terms of operating librarian and information services for the public (the Libraries Act), as amended. The basic task of the CU Library is to provide librarian and information services necessary for study and scholarly and other creative activities at Charles University.

  2. The CU Library provides librarian and information services in accordance with s. 4 of the Libraries Act. The CU Library may also provide additional librarian and information services in accordance with s. 4 (3) of the Libraries Act.

  3. Basic librarian and information services are provided free of charge. The CU library may request the reimbursement of costs in cases regulated by law. The List of Fees constitutes an inherent part of these Rules.

  4. The CU library makes information about its collection available through the catalogue. Registered users may manage their account and use other services (such as reservations or loan renewals).

  5. The acquisition and stock revision of the library collection is carried out in accordance with s. 16 of the Libraries Act, as amended, and the related regulations. Document disposal is carried out in accordance with s. 17 of the Libraries Act, as amended, and the related regulations.

  6. The EIR are made available to users in conformity with the terms and conditions of licences and they must be used exclusively for non-commercial purposes in instruction, study, science, and research or for personal use.

Article3 – Users of the CU Library, their Registration and Rights

  1. The users of the CU library are:




    Registration Period in the Catalogue



    Student of a bachelor’s or master’s programme of study at any CU faculty

    3 years


    Doctoral student

    Student of a doctoral programme of study at any CU faculty

    3 years


    Internship student

    Foreign intern at Charles University

    6 months



    Academic staff and scholars or other employees at any CU faculty or unit

    5 years


    CU co-operators

    Employee of another institution co-operating with Charles University (e.g., faculty hospitals, Academy of Science of the CR)

    1 year



    Anybody not mentioned above (CU Alumni club, external users of services, the public)

    1 year



    Artificial legal person entered in the register of libraries of the Ministry of Culture of the CR

    5 years

  2. Librarian and information services may be used on condition that the user promises to respect the provisions of the CU Library and Circulation Rules and its appendixes.

  3. The users of librarian and information services use one of the CU identity cards issued under the Rector’s directive The Introduction and Use of Identity Cards at CU, as amended, which serve for personal identification. In the case of external users, only so-called “personalised” identity cards which provide personal data are permissible.

  4. The user is obliged to report the loss of the card to a sectional library immediately; such library will subsequently prevent the use of library and information services. The user still has a duty to identify the card as lost in the CU web applications. The user arranges for the issuance of a substitute identity card himself.

  5. The CU Library processes a user’s personal data in accordance with Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on the protection of personal data, and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC known as GDPR (General Regulation).

  6. Separate registration is necessary in sectional libraries which do not use the catalogue.

  7. The registration terminates upon:


    the expiry of the registration;


    the completion, interruption, or withdrawal from study;


    the termination of employment at Charles University;


    a serious breach of the Library and Circulation Rules under Article 4 (6).

Article 4 – Basic Rights and Duties of CU Library Users

  1. Users have the right to use librarian and information services according to the law, these Charles University Library and Circulation Rules, and the operational rules of the relevant sectional libraries.

  2. Users have the right to submit comments, complaints, and suggestions regarding the operation of the CU Library to the sectional libraries’ heads, the CLCU head, or by means of the Charles University official notice Board.

  3. Users are obliged to protect the CU Library collection and equipment.

  4. Users are obliged to return all borrowed documents and cover all payments they owe the CU Library after the termination of or a change in their relationship to CU.

  5. Users are obliged to provide compensation for any damage they cause to the CU Library in accordance with the relevant legislation.

  6. The user’s right to use librarian and information services in the CU Library may be suspended or cancelled by the director of the CLCU in case of serious or repeated breaches of these Rules.

Article 5 –Circulation Rules

  1. Loans in sectional libraries which make use of the catalogue are governed by the uniform loan rules currently in effect.

  2. Users must not lend the borrowed document to other persons. Users are obliged to inspect the borrowed documents and report any defects discovered to the library staff immediately. A loan may not be carried out if the user has undischarged obligations to the CU Library (unreturned documents, unpaid fees, etc.). The loan may be renewed unless another user has requested the document. The loan renewal may be performed only before the expiry of the loan period.

  3. Users are obliged to return the borrowed documents in the same condition in which they were borrowed considering normal wear. Documents must be returned to the sectional library from which they were borrowed.

  4. Users are informed that their reservation has been processed via an email. Documents may be collected only in the sectional library in which they have been prepared for the user. The reserved document may be collected by the date provided in the email.

  5. A grant loan is intended for grant holders. It may be loaned only to researchers of the project in the course of the research project. Study loans are intended primarily to students of the sectional library faculty. Faculty loans are intended primarily to the students and employees of the given faculty.

  6. If the users fail to return the borrowed documents within the set time, they may be sent overdue notices. Overdue notices fees and fines for exceeding the loan period are provided in the List of Fees. The fine for exceeding the loan period is not linked to the sending of an overdue notice. The CU library may decide to recover the default loans or debt including interest along with late payment interest and costs associated with asserting the debt in court (accessories). The costs of such proceedings are provided in the List of Fees.

  7. Users are obliged to cover all fees and fines arising from the use of the CU Library services.

Article 6 – Loss of Documents and Methods of Compensation for Loss

  1. Users are fully responsible for the condition of borrowed documents and they have a duty to inform the Library immediately if they cannot return the documents because of loss, destruction, or damage there to regardless of the fact whether the damage was caused intentionally or by negligence, by a third party or without their fault (force majeure).

  2. The Library will request that the unreturned, lost, or damaged documents be compensated for by one of the following ways:


    another copy of the same document of the identical publication and binding (the equivalent compensation);


    the same document of later publication;


    another document with the same information and financial value, or


    monetary compensation with accessories.

  3. The methods of compensation are provided in the order of preference by the CU Library. The method of compensation and the time for its provision are always decided by the designated person in the sectional library to which the damage was caused.

  4. The time for the provision of compensation starts running on the day on which the user has been informed about the decision on compensation. Such decision determines the method and extent of compensation and the time for its provision. The relevant service charges, fines, and claims are also determined according to the List of Fees of the CU Library, and other information necessary for the proper performance of the users’ duties is communicated.

  5. If the designated person in the sectional library decides that the document is to be replaced by another copy of the same document of the identical publication and binding, the same document of later publication, or another document with the same information and financial value, the users have a duty to give the document (replacement) to the staff of the sectional library by the set time limit and to pay the prescribed charges for the library processing of the replacement and the loss of the bar code or the RFID chip and the fine.

  6. If the designated person in the sectional library decides on monetary compensation, the users have a duty to pay the amount determined including the related fees and the fine within the time limit. In accordance with the decision on the method of compensation for the unreturned, lost, destroyed, or damaged document, the user will pay monetary compensation in the amount of:


    the current purchase price of the same document of the identical publication and binding if such document is available on the market including the expedient and necessary costs of the acquisition of the document;


    the current purchase price of the same document of later publication if such document is available on the market including the expedient and necessary costs of the acquisition of the document;


    the current purchase price of another document of the same information and financial value which is available on the market including the expedient and necessary costs of the acquisition of the document, or


    the fee for every page of the copy of the replaced document including the set fee for the binding of the document (the price of binding). The number of pages is determined according to the bibliographical record in the CKIS. In the case of documents in which the pages are not numbered, the price of the copy made is determined by the management of the sectional library.

  7. In the case of documents which are historical, rare, interesting for collectors, a part of cultural heritage, singular copies, or other similar cases, the users are obliged to cover the monetary compensation including accessories, particularly the late payment interest and the costs of enforcement of the claim in the proper court. In such cases, monetary compensation is determined individually, for example, by an expert report or as the auction price of the document, its price in an antiquarian bookshop, the price in auction catalogues, etc.

Article 7– Transitional and Final Provisions

  1. The Central Library of CU and sectional libraries will publish these Charles University Library and Circulation Rules on their web site.

  2. Individual faculties and establishments may issue operational rules of sectional libraries in which they regulate other services and the terms of their provision which are not expressly regulated in these CU Library and Circulation Rules. Operational rules come into effect on the date of their publishing on the web site of the sectional library.

  3. The users who registered before the legal effect of these CU Library and Circulation Rules automatically become the users of all sectional libraries of the CU Library, i.e., the sectional libraries which make use of the Central Catalogue.

  4. The list of sectional libraries is provided in Appendix No. 1 to this directive.

  5. The uniform loan rules are provided in Appendix No. 2 to this directive.

  6. Information regarding the processing and protection of personal data is provided in Appendix No. 3 to this directive.

  7. The List of Fees is provided in Appendix No. 4 to this directive.

  8. Rector’s directive No. 51/2018 is repealed.

  9. These CU Library and Circulation Rules become legally effective on 1 December 2019.

In Prague on 4 November 2019

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA



Last change: January 24, 2020 15:45 
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