Starter flats


Notification from 29 May 2024

Notification on setting the deadline for submitting applications for the assignment of a start-up flat to young academic members of staff and researchers of Charles University

I hereby announce that the Committee for the Assignment of Start-Up Flats has set the deadline for submitting applications for assigning a start-up flat no. 1440, as the following:

25 August 2024.

The group of employees who may apply for the flat assignments and other terms and conditions are set out in Rector’s Directive no. 4/2022, which establishes the Rules for the Assignment of Start-up Flats.

Currently, any employee of CU may apply for a start-up flat if they meet the following conditions:

• In the calendar year of submitting the application, they are not older than 34 years old;

• Their work schedule at the university, including any working time at a university hospital, is full-time;

• Their position at the university is an academic member of staff or researcher;

• Their employment has been contracted for at least one year or for an indefinite period of time; and

• A start-up flat has never been assigned to them in the past.

If any of these conditions are not met an employee, they must state this circumstance in the application and also state the relevant reasons why their application should still be accepted. In justified cases, the committee may recommend that the rector grant an exception.

If an employee is demonstrably caring for a child or another relative, they do not have to meet the condition of full-time employment, which may be less than full-time.

Another condition for the assignment of a start-up flat is the established maximum average earnings and the fact that the employee is not an owner of an apartment or house, with the help of which they could resolve their housing needs while working at the university.

Written applications for assigning a start-up flat along with the relevant attachments should be sent to the following address: Charles University, Rectorate – Legal Department, JUDr. R. Kralert, Ovocný trh 560/5, 116 36 Prague 1, or as a scanned copy to the following e-mail address:

The start-up flat is located in the Centrum Krystal building, J. Martího 2/407, Prague 6.

• Flat no. 1440 – 52.95 square metres

This flat will be available for moving in on 1 September 2024.

The flat is unfurnished. It is equipped only with a kitchen range, kitchen cabinets, a built-in wardrobe, an electric boiler, an instantaneous water heater, radiators, and control panels and units.

The exact specifications of the flats are provided in Appendix A to this notification.

Appendix B to this notification contains the application form and its attachments. In order to ensure easier contact with applicants, it is advisable to add contact information (e-mail + mobile phone/phone).

The rental agreement will be concluded for a period of one year, but no longer than until the end of the applicant’s employment or until the end of the calendar year in which the employee reaches the age of 35. If all of the conditions stipulated in Article 7, clause 2 of Rector’s Directive no. 4/2022 are met, the rental agreement can be extended by a maximum of an additional thirty-six (36) calendar months.

Monthly rent, including deposits for services and a fee for flat furnishings, for one person: CZK 10,043.85. All payments are due by the 15th day of each calendar month.

Doc. RNDr. Markéta Lopatková, Ph.D.


Committee for the Assignment of Start-Up Flats

Charles University


A – Specifications of the start-up flat, B - Application Form

General information

Starter flats are flats in buildings owned or co-owned by Charles University (the “university”) that are intended especially for beginning young academic and research staff of the university who have an urgent need for housing for themselves, their families, or for their young children, or children or close persons in their care.

An employee may apply for a starter flat under the following conditions:

  • The employee must not be older than 34 years of age during the calendar year of applying,

  • Their workload at the university, including any work at a university hospital, must be full-time,

  • Their employment at the university is in the position of academic or research staff member,

  • Their employment is concluded for at least one year or for an indefinite period of time, and

  • They have not yet been granted a starter flat.

If an employee does not fulfil one or more of these conditions, they must state this circumstance in the application and also provide valid reasons why their application should still be considered. In justified cases, the committee may recommend to the Rector an exception.

If an employee demonstrably cares for a child or another close person, they do not need to meet the condition of full-time work. The workload may be less than full-time.

Allocation of a starter flat is further determined by the maximum average earnings and the fact that the employee is not the owner of a flat or family house, with the help of which they could solve their housing need and at the same time work at the university.

The rules for allocating starter flats at Charles University are set out in Rector’s Directive no. 4/2022.

Applicants must apply for a starter flat in writing (electronic form is preferred), which is submitted to the Rector’s Office of the university by the established deadlines. Attached to the application is a statement from the dean of the faculty or the director of another unit where the applicant works. The deadlines for submitting applications are set by the Committee for Allocation of Starter Flats, taking into consideration new or vacant starter flats. These deadlines, along with other information, are sent to the faculties and other units and are published on these web pages.

The Rector makes decisions on the applications, taking into account the opinion of the committee. The committee provides opinions on the applications based on compliance with the minimum conditions and taking into account in particular:

  • The social aspects of the applicant, in particular, whether they are also applying for a flat for their family or for a child or another close person,

  • Additionally, the contribution and prospects of the employee’s academic, research, and other creative activities and, in the case of an academic staff member, the degree of perspectivity of their educational activities and the importance of these activities for the university and the respective workplace,

  • And finally, the degree of need relating to temporarily resolving the employee’s housing issue.

If the application for allocation of a starter flat is accepted, a lease agreement is concluded with the applicant for a period of one year, however, no longer than until the end of the employee’s job position or the end of the calendar year in which the employee reaches the age of 35. The lease agreement can be extended once for up to 36 calendar months, under the terms set out in Rector’s Directive no. 4/2022. Upon fulfilling all of the conditions set out therein, the employee is entitled to this extension.

CU employees also have the opportunity to apply for priority dormitory accommodation – the university has accommodations available in the so-called conjugal dormitory or in single rooms with sanitary facilities.

List of members of the Committee for Allocation of Starter Flats

Doc. RNDr. Markéta Lopatková, Ph.D. – Committee chair

• prof. Ing. František Zahálka, Ph.D. – Committee vice-chair

• Ing. Lenka Henebergová

• RNDr. Aleš Soukup, Ph.D.

• Mgr., Bc. Eliška Klimentová

• PhDr. David Emler, Ph.D.

• RNDr. Jakub Vaverka, Ph.D.

Commission meeting report 22 May 2024

Last change: June 13, 2024 16:36 
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