User Manuals

How do I log into the “eduroam” Wi-Fi network?

The eduroam Wi-Fi network is an international network available to universities and research centres throughout the world. Once an institution joins the network, all members of its academic community (students and staff) have access to the network. Login details are issued to students, staff and employees by their home institution. At Charles University, you can set up your login data through the Central Authentication Service (CAS).

More information on the eduroam network

What if something does not work?

Try to contact your faculty’s IT service centre, or just ask a friend or colleague. We can also help you set up a connection if you visit the Information and Advisory Centre in Celetná St.

How do I use my student / staff identity card?

Charles University student and staff cards serve as a universal “key” to a huge variety of services at the University, saving your time and making your life easier. You can use your card to borrow a book from the library, order lunch from the refectory, and much more. Charles University also issues cards to external users, enabling them to use some University services (e.g. libraries).

How do I use the SIS (Study Information System)?

The Study Information System (SIS) is a vital tool enabling you to access and manage information related to studies at Charles University. The range of information available to you depends on whether you are a student or a staff member, and also on your home faculty. For some SIS modules you will need to log in before using them. You can change your login data via the Central Authentication Service (CAS). However, the SIS offers some information to the general public without the need to log in. Anybody can browse Charles University’s degree programmes, submit application forms for admissions, view information on the admissions process, and look up a wide range of study-related information – course units, final theses, timetables, publications, dates of graduation ceremonies, and contacts. Because the SIS is such a huge system a complete user manual would be far too big, so instead we have issued several separate manuals, each dealing with a particular area of activity. You can find these manuals on the faculty websites in the “Study” section.

Login to SIS

How do I browse various e-resources?

As Charles University students or staff you have the opportunity to browse a huge range of electronic publications for which the University has purchased a subscription. These include various journals and publication databases, which will be particularly useful when you are writing your thesis. Some resources are available to users from all faculties, while others are available only to staff and students at a particular faculty.  To gain complete access to e-resources and databases, you will first need to log in. For this you will need a login name and a password for the Central Authentication Service (CAS).. Once you have these, you can go to the Charles University E-resources Portal (PEZ in Czech), where you can browse all the publications to which you have access. At present PEZ supports two types of login – Shibboleth and EZproxyk. For both login types you will need a CAS password. You can get more information on the Remote Access to E-resources page.

Charles University E-resources Portal (PEZ)

User manual for the Charles University E-resources Portal (PEZ)

Remote Access to E-resources

How do I log into the JINONICE domain and why?

An account in the JINONICE domain will come in handy if you wish to log into the computers not only at the University’s Jinonice site, but at other faculties too. You can also use this account for logging into computers at our Information and Advisory Centre. Some faculties may require a JINONICE account too, e.g. when you wish to register for certain course units. When you set up this account you will also get a mailbox with a web interface, some space on the network disk and an opportunity to access your documents from anywhere via VPN.

Instructions for setting up and using an account in the JINONICE domain

Last change: August 20, 2024 10:58 
Responsible for site content: Computer Science Centre
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