Charles University Information System

This page is the entry point to the Charles University Information System and its applications:

  • Study Information System (SIS)

    This system serves students, academic staff, applicants for study at Charles University and participants in lifelong learning programmes; it provides comprehensive information on study-related matters.

    How do I log into the SIS?

  • Thesis and Dissertation Repository

    An overview of theses and dissertations defended at Charles University, including their full texts and reviews.

  • WhoIs look-up tool

    WhoIs is a look-up tool enabling users to search within a central registry of individuals connected with Charles University (staff, students, lifelong learning participants, members of University and faculty bodies, etc.), the University’s organization structure, and personnel data (especially professional and career information). The application provides contact data (telephone numbers, email addresses) for individual teachers and other university staff.

  • Charles University Grant Agency

    A system dedicated to Charles University students (studying Master’s and PhD degree programmes) and used to submit applications for Charles University Grant Agency (GAUK) funding and perform other administrative procedures throughout the life cycle of a GAUK project.

  • Erasmus application

    An application for Charles University students (submission and processing of applications for study periods abroad as part of the Erasmus-LLP programme), and for international students (submission of applications for Erasmus study periods at Charles University).

  • Records of Publishing Activity

    A system for Charles University academic staff and students to record their publishing activity, for the administration of comprehensive bibliographies of the University’s academic staff and students, and for reporting the results of research and other creative activities to the “RIV” national register of research results.

    More information about the system and its operations

Last change: August 20, 2024 10:56 
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