Charles University Facility Management System

The historical goal of electronic passporting was to create a unified system for registering the real property of Charles University, which would enable the management of drawing and technical documentation in digital form and enable the provision of data to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for the purposes of investment projects.

In 2010, a Feasibility Study for the Passporting of Objects was commissioned, on the basis of which a tender for the preparation of the Implementation Project was held and subsequently the selection of a system for the registration and management of immovable property was carried out. The software was installed in the faculties and units of the University and user training was carried out. In 2011, a drawing documentation processor was selected to convert the existing documentation into digital format. In 2012, the conversion of the drawings of the educational objects was completed and a pilot project was carried out to measure the actual condition of selected objects.

Between 2013 and 2020, the following focuses were carried out:

2013: digitization of drawing documentation of about 2/3 of KaM objects.

2014: digitization of the remaining objects of the KaM and recreation centres, surveying of objects without documentation.

2015: orientation of the buildings of the RUK and the building of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine Ruská, including facades and cross-sections.

2016: surveying of the remaining buildings of the Karolina campus, the Faculty of Arts building and the start of surveying work on the buildings of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.

2017: surveying of the historical buildings of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and vertical sections of the buildings of the "V Holešovičky" campus.

2018: orientation of the building of the Faculty of Law, two historical buildings of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Karlín, sections through the main building of the Faculty of Arts.

2019: Focus of sections and views of the main building of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine and the building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.

2020: Focusing of sections and views of the facades of the building of the 1st Faculty of Medicine.

Starting in 2020, Charles University is preparing for the gradual introduction of the BIM (Building Information Modelling) method to meet the requirements of the "Concept for the Introduction of the BIM Method in the Czech Republic" and the forthcoming Act "on the Management of Information on Construction, Building Information Models and the Built Environment and on Amendments to Certain Acts". At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Science is creating a new Methodology of the Passport of the Real Estate of HEIs, which will bring major changes in the reporting of areas.

In view of these facts and in combination with the already inadequate existing system for the registration and management of immovable property, the UK decided to choose a new system. In addition, the new CAFM (Computer-aided facility management) system will include new areas such as:

  • Maintenance (planning and monitoring of repairs, revisions, failure prevention, ...),

  • Space management (planning and optimizing space use, internally and rentals),

  • Energy management (monitoring energy consumption, re-invoicing of consumption),

  • Occupational health and safety (OHS, monitoring and management of safety regulations, management of evacuation plans and emergency procedures).

V letech 2023 a 2024 proběhly 3 kola předběžných tržních konzultací, jejichž cílem je vypsání veřejné zakázky a výběr dodavatele ke konci roku 2024. Nový CAFM systém bude integrován s geografickým informačním systémem (GIS), který zajistí jednotnou podobu veškerých grafických podkladů spojených se správou budov a pozemků pro celou UK. Systémy budou dále rozšiřovány i o pasporty technické infrastruktury pro naplnění požadavků Informačního systému digitální mapy veřejné správy (IS DMVS).

Three rounds of pre-market consultations have taken place in 2023 and 2024, with the aim of issuing a tender and selecting a contractor by the end of 2024. The new CAFM system will be integrated with a Geographical Information System (GIS), which will provide a unified form of all graphical documents related to building and land management for the whole of the UK. The systems will also be extended to include technical infrastructure passports to meet the requirements of the Digital Map of Government Information System (DMVS).

Last change: August 9, 2024 14:27 
Responsible for site content: Department of Construction
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