Key Projects

Among the most important investment projects that the University has completed or is currently implementing or preparing are: the new construction of the Central Building and the Faculty Building of the Campus in Hradec Králové, Phase II of the construction of the UniMec Campus in Pilsen, the construction of the Albertov Campus, the construction of a multifunctional building in the Jinonice Campus, reconstruction and extension of two historic houses in Opletalova Street for the Faculty of Philosophy, the Multifunctional Building of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and the construction of the building of the ÚDAUK.

UniMec Campus in Pilsen
UniMec Campus in Pilsen
Campus in Hradec Králové
Campus in Hradec Králové
Albertov Campus
Albertov Campus

Jinonice Campus
Jinonice Campus
ÚDAUK Building
ÚDAUK Building

The basis for planning investment actions is the university-wide documentation of the programme "Development and renewal of the material and technical base of Charles University" This documentation was prepared by the Construction Department of the Charles University Rector's Office and is continuously updated. Another source of funding for new construction from 2024 is the National Renewal Plan (Národní plán obnovy NPO).

The Department of Construction of Rectorate ensures communication with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports regarding newly planned investment projects of all faculties and other units of Charles University. It also provides methodological assistance to the faculties and other units of the Charles University with the preparation of the necessary documents in connection with the preparation of new actions - reconstructions, repairs and new construction. It deals with the Cadastral Office, individual city district councils and the Prague City Council in proceedings concerning the areas of interest of Charles University in connection with its further development.

Last change: August 9, 2024 10:26 
Responsible for site content: Department of Construction
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