Welcome Day for Postdocs

Welcome Day for postdocs will take place at Kampus Hybernská on 23rd October 2023 at 4pm in Space 2D. You will have a chance to meet colleagues from Department of Science and Research, Doctoral Studies Office, Open Science Support Centre and Staff Welcome Centre.

Photo from the Welcome Day for postdocs held on 23rd October 2023. Thank you to all those who were present and for their challenging questions and remarks.

How to find your way to Kampus Hybernská - Space 2D

Where: Kampus Hybernská, space 2D

Day: 23rd October 2023

Time: 4 - 6 pm

Registration: Vzdělávací portál

Capacity: 40 participants

Organizer: Rectorate, Charles University

Contact to the organizer: Tomáš Renner

Here are a few pics from our Welcome Day for Postdocs on 29 May 2023 in Kampus Hybernská. The Vice Rector's opening speech, practical information from the Staff Welcome Centre, the Doctoral platform and the Postdoctoral Hub. Good practice shared by experienced postdocs, an exciting look into the subject of Open Science, refreshments and a guided tour through Prague. Thank you for joining and networking and see you next time!

Welcome Day for postdocs will take place at Kampus Hybernská on 29th May 2023 at 4pm in Space 2D. There will be a guided tour of Prague after the programme at Kampus Hybernská.

How to find your way to Kampus Hybernská - Space 2D

Where: Kampus Hybernská, space 2D

Day: 29th May 2023

Time: 4 - 6 pm

Registration: Vzdělávací portál

Capacity: 40 participants

Organizer: Rectorate, Charles University

Contact to the organizer: Tomáš Renner tomas.renner@ruk.cuni.cz Bohumíra Jehličková bohumira.jehlickova@ruk.cuni.cz

Poslední změna: 31. říjen 2023 12:52 
Za obsah stránky zodpovídá: Odbor pro vědu a výzkum
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Praha 1, 116 36

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