The University Research Centers (UNCE)

The University Research Centers (UNCE) competition is aimed primarily at supporting young promising academics and researchers in the framework of the highest quality group basic research. UNCE's financial support enables the development and deepening of scientific research activities of those centers where the research team has already achieved internationally recognized results. The first round of the competition was announced in 2011, the supported projects have been implemented since 2012 with a completion date of 31 December 2017.

Now, Charles University is dealing with a total of 27 projects of the second round of university research centers, which began their activities in 2018 (2018 was the first year of their implementation) and are designed as six years, with expected completion by 31 December 2023. centers are implemented at 10 faculties and 1 university institute of Charles University, and CZK 130 million is provided to this projects every year.

Last change: October 18, 2023 18:46 
Responsible for site content: Research Support Office
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