Podcasts, Videos & Discussion group

Postdoctoral platform has prepared a series of podcasts for you, in which you will learn a lot of information useful for both postdocs, doctoral students and anyone interested in research.

If you want to join others and share your ideas or experience, please let us know and we can create a podcast together!

Listen to Postdoctoral Podcast at Spotify Apple Google

VIDEO - Obligatory Levies in Your Salary at Charles University / Povinné odvody ve vašem platu na Univerzitě Karlově

VIDEO - Interview with Juliana Crespo Lopes, Ph.D.

Discussion group

Join the debate as a speaker and share your results and experiences of science and research at Campus Hybernská with other postdocs and Ph.D. students.

We offer you the opportunity to participate in sharing your know-how with other students of Charles University. We have here a unique space for you to meet, share and discuss your experience from the research you have already done.

As part of the cooperation between Charles University and the Campus Hybernská - the Hybernská Campus building 2D is offered just for science and research, information sharing, and mutual motivation to study. Here it's possible to organize lectures, meetings, and workshops on a variety of topics in the fields of science, research, funding, mobility or grants.

Sharing experiences is important, especially in the education sector, so if you would like to get involved and share a particular topic with other colleagues, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Suggestions for topics:

· Who is a postdoc?

· What are the responsibilities and activities associated with this role?

· The role of a postdoctoral fellow at a foreign university, the length of time, and the opportunities offered.

· Popularisation of science and scientific research

· Presentation of scientific results at a foreign university x Charles University

· Presentation of scientific results to attract new members to the research team

Or anything you'd like to share, discuss, present... use the space and meet with your colleagues and friends :)

Last change: March 21, 2024 13:02 
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