Benefits for Postdocs

At this page you can find some possibilities of financial support that Charles University Rectorate offers.

First please check if you are suitable for this kind of support - Definition of a postdoc at Charles University in English

Also please note that these benifits are not eligible and may not be paid if the limit of finances is exhausted.

1) Relocation allowance (postdocs)  

If you are a postdoc, who immediately before commencing your current postdoctoral contract with Charles University lived abroad or in a town other than Prague, Plzeň, Hradec Králové and had to move to one of those cities to take up postdoctoral position at Charles University, we offer financial contribution easing the cost of your relocation. If you are eligible for this offer you can fill in the application and send it to our department. The contributions are being paid approximately after 3 months of your stay at CUNI. 


Application form (Download, fill in, sign, scan and send the signed scan to your faculty coordinator) 

You can apply for up to 25 000 CZK.


2) Conferences and symposia (postdocs) 

The purpose of this scheme is to allow post-docs across the University to set up and run events such as conferences and symposia. The intention is to facilitate postdoctoral activities within the faculties and units, while providing an opportunity for the development of invaluable skills and experience in the process. 


You can apply for up to 15 000 CZK per activity. 


It is important to discuss your proposal including the budget with your faculty or unit first. Your faculty or unit needs to be willing to cover your conference/symposia expenses first. We will reimburse the faculty after the event has taken place on the basis ofsubmitted statement. In case the total budget surpasses this contribution, external sources must be sought by the organizer. 


Budgeting section 

  • Simple delineation of headline costs is required 

  • The costs can include expenses of including temporary platform licences for online events or venue hire 

  • Funding must be spent within 12 months from date of acceptance 


Profile section 

  • Target audience is other postdocs/early-stage academics 

  • Senior academic conferences will not be considered 


Applications for this round of offer are now open and accepted on a rolling basis


3) Space for events 

With the intention to facilitate development of invaluable skills and experience of postdocs at Charles University we are offering space in Kampus Hybernská suitable for:   

  • Co-working 

  • Giving lectures 

  • Organising seminars or small conferences 

  • Sharing good practice and experiences with doctoral students. 


You can see our space at Kampus Hybernská with your own eyes and decide if it suits your ideas. Please contact us for more details


3) Advertisements for postdoctoral positions (faculties and units)  

The Rectorate offers a financial contribution to support advertisements for postdoctoral positions at Charles University. Please note that advertisements need to comply with the current definition of a postdoc at Charles University, need to be published in English and in a field-specific database. They must state clearly that a "postdoctoral position" is advertised. 


Applications for this round of offer are now open and accepted on a rolling basis. 

For more details please contact your faculty coordinator or / from Department of Science and Research.

Last change: June 11, 2024 13:37 
Responsible for site content: Research Support Office
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