Practical Information

Staff Welcome Centre

"We are here for all employees from abroad who come to work at Charles University for more than three months. Our goal is to minimize the bureaucratic burden connected with moving to the Czech Republic and to provide support to these employees for their entire stay in our country"

Staff Welcome Centre Leaflet

Carolina Centre

"Centrum Carolina is one of the departments of the CU Point. Our services are offered to all students who find themselves in a situation where they need help during their studies."

How to get to Prague, Plzeň and Hradec Králové

Social Insurance


Recognition of Foreign Diplomas and Degrees

Discounts and Benefits

European Centre

Open Science Support Centre

University Alliance 4EU+

University Peer Communities

Lifelong Learning - Practical Guide for a Happy Life in Prague

Other Useful Links

Last change: March 15, 2024 14:19 
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Charles University

Ovocný trh 5

Prague 1

116 36

Czech Republic

CU Point - Centre for Information, Counselling and Social Services


Phone: +420 224 491 850

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