Ass. Prof. RNDr. Martin Vlach, Ph.D.

Vice-Rector for Public Relations

+420 224 491 248

Rectorate of Charles University

Department of External Relations

Ovocný trh 560/5

116 36 Prague 1


  • CU Marketing and Promotion Strategy

  • University identity, media, popularisation of science

  • Gaudeamus and other fairs and events, alumni activities (in cooperation with the member of the Rector's Board for Social Affairs and Sustainable Development)

  • Miloslav Petrusek Award for Representation and Promotion (third role of the University)

  • Crisis communication - "external" part (in cooperation with the Chancellor)

  • Didaktikon Educational Popularisation Centre at Kampus Hybernská

Professional profile:

Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in secondary school teaching (2004), taught at a Prague grammar school for almost ten years. His scientific work focuses mainly on the properties of aluminium alloys. He was Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics from 2012 to 2022, when he was involved in the promotion of the university (university alcohol-free beer and activities at the Kampus Hybernská multifunctional centre), co-author of several popularisation books and the TV series Rande s Fyzikou (A date with Physics). He was instrumental in helping save the historic gravesite of Rector Stanislav Vydra and led the project to save one of Prague's most important historic monuments - the St. Wenceslas Rotunda in Prague's Lesser Town, which won a number of domestic and international awards (Europa Nostra).

Work experience:

  • since 2022 - Vice-Rector for Public Relations of Charles University

  • 2012 to 2022 - Vice Dean for PRopagation, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University

  • from 2019 - associate professor at Laboratory of General Physics Education  (since 2010 assistant professor, since 2005 researcher)

  • since 2019 - member of the Expert Board/Disciplinary Panels of ÉTA and ZÉTA TA ČR

  • 2004 to 2013: teacher at the Na Vítězné pláni Secondary School in Prague, part-time


  • 2018 - Associate Professor (Physics - Condensed Matter Physics, Charles University)

  • 2009 - Ph.D. (physics - general questions of physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at CU)

  • 2006 - RNDr. (physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at CU)

  • 2004 - Mgr. (Physics - Teaching for secondary schools, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at CU)

Teaching activity:

Long-time teacher at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at CU, in 2006-2011 demonstrator of physics experiments for the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering at CTU in Prague;

supervisor/trainer of five defended B.Sc. theses, two M.Sc. Ph.D. dissertation.

Foreign internships:

2006 to 2010 - regular internships (one month/year), Universität Göttingen (Institut für Materialphysik, Germany), DESY Hamburg (Germany), TU Clausthal (Germany)

2005 to 2021 - long-term professional cooperation with Institut für Materialprüfung und Werkstofftechnik, Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany)

Publication and creative activities:

103 publications (of which 78 registered Web of Science) in international impacted journals and proceedings

5 books (author or co-author of chapters)

2 utility models

1 patent filed

Popularisation activities:

➤ popularisation lectures and projects (currently Didaktikon at Kampus Hybernská, UKa! competition and others)

➤ from 2020 - Board of Directors of the Česká hlava Projekt, z.ú. (Czech Head Project)

➤ 2019 - a project to map the turning point of 1989 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, the book Tenkrát v Listopadu (Once upon a time in November)

➤ 2019 to 2021 - the board of Elixír do škol, z.ú. (Elixir for Schools)

➤ 2018 to 2022 - jury of the competition for talented secondary school students České hlavičky (Czech Little Heads)

➤ 2016 to 2017 - project of mapping the graves of mathematicians, physicists and astronomers in Prague's Olšany Cemetery, Malostranské and Vinohradské cemeteries, the restoration of Stanislav Vydra's grave site, the book Cesty nesmrtelných (Paths of the Immortals)

➤ 2011 to 2015 - Czech Television educational series Rande s Fyzikou (script), book Rande s Fyzikou (Czech Television Edition)

Selected grants:

  • 2017 to 2019 - investigator, GA ČR, No. 17-17193S "Direct and indirect influence of Sc and Zr on early precipitation stages in advanced lightweight structural Al alloys"

  • 2014 to 2016 - Principal Investigator/Project Manager, EEA Grants (EEA and Norway Grants: CZ06), "Rescue of the Rotunda of St. Wenceslas on Lesser Town Square in Prague", project received prestigious national (e.g. Patrimonium pro futuro) and international awards (European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra)

  • 2011-2013 - researcher, GA ČR, No. GP P107/11/P201, "The use of both precipitation and recrystallization in preparation of Al-based alloys with tailored properties"

  • 2012 - researcher, FRVŠ (Ministry of Education and Science), "Electronic catalogue of physical mechanics demonstration experiments"

Scientific profile (ORCID):

Personal website:


"If the university is to move forward, then things must be done properly, thoughtfully and with heart. It won't just happen on its own. And if things can't be done properly, with thought and heart, then it's better not to do them at all."

Interests, hobbies:

He likes physics, rotundas, beer and the Prague-Uhříněves district. In his spare time (which he hardly has any of nowadays) he plays the saxophone, sometimes plays the drums and collects mustard brand labels.

doc. RNDr. Martin Vlach, Ph.D. – photo for download (.jpg; 2.47 MB)

Last change: February 13, 2023 14:55 
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