Grant Board

The Grant Board of the University is a permanent advisory body to the Rector for the distribution of financial means earmarked for the Grant Agency of the University.

Unless the Rector determines otherwise, the members of the Grant Board of the University include a Vice-Rector, and chairs and deputy chairs of the subject-area boards of the Grant Agency of the University. The Rector may appoint other members of the Grant Board of the University from among distinguished scholars after consideration by the Research Board of the University. A dean or a vice-dean of a faculty or a director of another unit of the University may not be members of the Grant Boardy of the University.

Above all, the Grant Board of the University:

  • prepares a draft of the Principles and after their issuance oversees their observance;

  • coordinates the activities of subject-area boards of the Grant Agency of the University (“Subject-Area Boards”);

  • coordinates the cooperation with evaluators and reviewers of grant projects;

  • proposes maximum amounts of financing for grant projects for individual Subject-Area Boards;

  • proposes the amount of financial means for the work of the Grant Agency of the University; these financial means may also be used to pay for the activities of evaluators and members of Subject-Area Boards who carry out the tasks of reviewers, and, where appropriate, other activities necessary to secure the quality evaluation of grant projects;

  • submits proposals for awarding or not awarding a grant, or continuing, phasing out, or terminating a grant project based on the relevant documents submitted by Subject-Area Boards; in the case of awarding a grant, or continuing or phasing out a grant project, the proposal must include a proposed allocation of financial means;

  • prepares the evaluation of completed grant projects based on the relevant documents submitted by Subject-Area Boards;

  • gives its opinion concerning any conflicts arising in the activities of a Subject-Area Board or among Subject-Area Boards;

  • deals with suggestions and comments regarding the activities of the Grant Agency of the University.


Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Komárek, CSc.

chairperson of the Grant Board of the University

Prof. PhDr. Jiří Pokorný, CSc.

chairperson section A - social sciences

Prof. PhDr. Tomáš Havránek, Ph.D.

vice-chair section A - social sciences

Doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Drozd, Ph.D.

chairperson section B - natural sciences

Doc. RNDr. Michal Vinkler, Ph.D.

vice-chair section B - natural sciences

Doc. MUDr. Petr Bušek, Ph.D

chairperson section C - medicine

Prof. MUDr. Jakub Suchánek, Ph.D.

vice-chair section C - medicine

Last change: December 4, 2024 10:59 
Responsible for site content: Rector’s Office
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