Ombudspersons for faculties and other units of the University

The role of ombudsman is gradually being created at individual faculties and constituent parts of the University.

Ombudspersons are already in place at all CU faculties and units:




More information

Catholic Theological Faculty

Eva Šolcová, DiS.

Protestant Theological Faculty

Mgr. Jana Hofmanová

PTF Chaplaincy

Hussite Theological Faculty

Mgr. Jiří Navrátil

Faculty of Law

Mgr. Eva Hrubá

First Faculty of Medicine

MUDr. Simona Arientová, Ph.D.

Faculty Mediator

Second Faculty of Medicine

PhDr. Šárka Tomová, Ph.D., Ph.D.,ombudswoman for Czech students

Mgr. Petra Fabingerová, ombudswoman for English speaking students

Mgr. et Mgr. Martin Zielina, Ph.D.,ombudsman for employees

Faculty ombudspersons

Third Faculty of Medicine

Mgr. Iveta Čermáková, contact person for CU ombudswoman

Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň

Doc. MUDr. Jitka Švíglerová, Ph.D.

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

prof. MUDr. Viktor Chrobok, CSc. Ph.D.

Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

doc. PharmDr. Jana Pourová, Ph.D.

Faculty of Arts

Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Špondrová

Faculty ombudswoman

Faculty of Science

RNDr. Tereza Petrusková, Ph.D.

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Mgr. Veronika Jonáková, contakt person for students

Ing. Anna Smetanová, contact person for employees

Faculty of Education

PhDr. Tereza Krčmářová, Ph.D.

Bc. Marek Bajger

Faculty of Social Sciences

Student ombudpersons

Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

PhDr. Veronika Nürnbergerová, Ph.D., C.A.S - contact person for employees

Hana Dvořáková - contact person for students

Faculty of Humanities

PhDr. Dana Bittnerová, CSc.


PhDr. Tomáš Pavela

Dormitories and Refectories

JUDr. Ivana Danišová

Last change: April 9, 2024 16:18 
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