Fulbright Chair

Fulbright – Charles University Distinguished Scholar

Charles University and J.William Fulbright Commission in the Czech Republic offer a full-maintenance grant for a professor position at Charles University faculties of its institutes called „Fulbright – Charles University Distinguished Scholar” for interested U.S. academics.

  • Category: Distinguished Lecturing

  • Special Feature: Full-Maintenance Grant

  • Number of Awards per Academic Year: 1 – 2

  • Grant Activity: Teach a maximum of 2 courses at advanced undergraduate and graduate levels.

  • Language: English

  • Additional Qualifications: Professor

  • Location: Charles University (Prague, Pilsen, or Hradec Kralove – depending on the hosting CU faculty or institute)

  • Length of Grant: 3 - 10 months

  • Starting Date: Usually mid-September or mid-February when the new semester at the university begins. Two-semester grants must begin in September.

  • Starting academic year: 2025/2026

  • Financial amount per month: 6 000 USD

  • Estimated Travel and Relocation Allowance for Grantee: 1 800 USD

  • Citizenship/Residency Requirement: Permanent residents of the award country are not eligible to apply for this award.

  • Invitation Requirement: A letter of invitation from the CU faculty or institute management inviting the applicant is required. Letter of invitation should state the dates of grant, name of the host contact person, accessibility of research facilities, and extent of other support provided.

  • Comments: The award is open to any specialization in all the fields offered at Charles University.

  • Application deadline: September 16th 2024

Selection process:

Suitable candidates will be pre-selected by the Institute of International Education which then sends the list of the candidates to the Fulbright Commission. Charles University and the Fulbright Commission representatives will nominate a finalist and an alternate. The final decision will be made by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

The Fulbright Commission will provide the following for the grantee:

  • Important pre-departure information including all the paperwork for the visa procedures

  • Health and accident insurance policy

  • Support payments for qualified accompanying dependents of the grantee (as defined by Fulbright program guidelines) for the duration of the grant period

  • A travel grant

Charles University will provide the following for the grantee:

  • Anchor the grantee at an institute and faculty appropriate to his or her field of expertise

  • Provide for the approval of the grantee’s courses by relevant university bodies and organize the announcement of the grantee’s courses in Charles University’s Student informational system - course catalogue

  • Access to office space with the usual facilities (telephone, computer, e-mail, internet access, etc.)

  • Offer the grantee university housing or help to identify and contract for appropriate housing

For more information, please contact .

Useful links:

The complete Fulbright policies for U.S. Lecturers and Research Scholars are available HERE (Chapter 600).

To learn more about the position, please visit the Catalogue of Fulbright Awards which is administrated by the Institute of International Education HERE.

You can find more information about Charles University and its broad range of academic, research, and study activities as well as its long and rich history, on our website HERE.

Find out more about life in the Czech Republic, its cultural heritage, and also many useful travel tips around the Republic HERE.

Last change: April 8, 2024 11:10 
Responsible for site content: International Relations Office
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