Other Academic Mobility Programmes

You can also take part in a research period at Charles University via other programmes supporting mobility for academic and administrative staff. These programmes are organized by universities, research institutes, educational foundations, institutions attached to embassies, national governments, non-profit governmental organizations, etc. For more information on academic mobility programmes please contact your home university or your home country’s education ministry. You will also find plenty of useful information and links on web portals related to research mobility.

The following list gives links to some of the best-known mobility programmes:

CEEPUS - Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies

The CEEPUS programme supports multilateral regional cooperation through university networks. The goal of the programme is to create a Central European university network consisting of various sub-networks. Partner universities collaborate on various research tasks within the network.

CEEPUS II agreements have been signed by the following countries (listed in alphabetical order, not chronologically): Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia/FYROM, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia; Kosovo is a cooperating partner.

The CEEPUS programme is targeted at undergraduate students who have completed at least two semesters, postgraduate students and academic staff. The programme is based on the principle of reciprocity in exchanges.

It is also possible to become part of the network as a ‘free mover’ if your home university is not a member of a suitable network.

For more information on the programme see the CEEPUS website.

Euraxess - Researchers in Motion

The EURAXESS network offers researchers support and advice related to their stay in their host country (especially with regard to long-term stays).

The network provides information on entering the country, residence permits, work permits, insurance, health care, financial matters, education and other similar issues.

For more information on mobility within this network see the Euraxess website.

Marie Curie Actions - Research Fellowship Programme

The EU’s Marie Curie Actions programme enables researchers from EU member states to spend research periods in other member states.

Marie Curie Fellowships are European research grants that are available to all postgraduate researchers regardless of their nationality or field of research. The research funding enables scientists to gain experience abroad and in the private sector, and to complete their training with competences or disciplines that are useful for their future careers.

For more information see the Marie Curie website.

DAAD - Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst

The German Academic Exchange Service DAAD is one of the largest organizations worldwide supporting international mobility for students and academic staff. It was founded in 1925 and has provided funding to over 1.5 million recipients.

DAAD supports international links with German universities and promotes the study of German language and culture abroad.

Besides funding periods abroad for German students and academic staff, DAAD also awards a range of grants to non-German applicants in order to fund their study or research periods at German universities.

For more information see the DAAD website.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) is the largest German grant agency. It offers a range of grant programmes supporting German scholars in all fields of research.

Among the most important programmes run by the Foundation are those aimed at young scholars.

For more information see the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft website..

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung

The Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung is a foundation established by the Federal Republic of Germany to support research cooperation among top German and international academics.

The Foundation offers a range of grants enabling academics to spend research periods at renowned universities both in Germany and abroad.

For more information see the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung website.

BAYHOST - Bavarian Academic Centre for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe

BAYHOST incorporates all universities and vocational and artistic higher education institutions in Bavaria. The Centre’s core mission is to support exchanges of university students and staff through a range of grants.

For more information see the BAYHOST website.

AKTION Österreich -Tschechische Republik

AKTION Austria - Czech Republic is a programme supporting bilateral cooperation among higher education institutions in teaching and research.

The programme covers education and research activities in all fields.

It offers grant funding for study and research periods in the partner country and participation in summer language schools and other summer school events.

For more information see the AKTION website.

Last change: February 10, 2018 23:19 
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