1. What types of student cards are issued by Charles University? What is a CU-ISIC/ALIVE Student Card?

When you enrol at Charles University, you can choose between two types of student identity cards:

  • CU Student Card

  • CU-ISIC Student Card for students studying in a full-time form of studies

    CU-ALIVE Student Card for students studying in distance/combined forms of studies

When getting his or her first CU student card, each student opts either for a simple CU Student Card or for a CU-ISIC/ALIV Student Card (International Student Identity Card). For more information on CU student cards see here.

2. What is ISIC? Why should I buy a CU-ISIC Student Card?

ISIC is the only internationally recognized student identity card. Its holder gains access to a wide range of benefits and discounts all across the Czech Republic and in more than 120 other countries around the world. CU students have the attractive option of getting a CU Student Card that is merged with the ISIC format, thus enabling the student to use all standard Charles University services and also benefit from ISIC-related discounts.

3. What is ALIVE? Why should I buy a CU-ALIVE Student Card?

The ALIVE card is an identification card for students studying in combined or distance forms of studies. The card provides its holders with an extensive network of benefits and discounts in the Czech Republic – including insurance, sports equipment, restaurants, cafes, cultural events, ski resorts and much more.

4. How and where can I get a CU-ISIC/ALIVE Student Card?

CU-ISIC/ALIVE Student Cards are issued by Charles University card service centres in Prague, Hradec Králové and Plzeň. These cards (and ISIC/ALIVE license) CANNOT be obtained in the GTS ALIVE s.r.o. network of service centres nor from this company's commercial partners! The Charles University card service centres also sell ISIC/ALIVE licenses (see below).

5. Is the CU-ISICcard cheaper compared to the standard ISIC?

Yes, the CU-ISICcard is cheaper.

6. How long is the card valid for? Do I have to get a new card every year, as with the standard ISIC/ALIVE?

Because the CU Student Card merged with the ISIC/ALIVE format (the CU-ISIC/ALIVE Student Card) has two separate groups of functions, it is necessary to distinguish between its validity as an identity card for Charles University students and its validity as an International Student Identity Card.

Validity as a CU student ID card:

The ID card is renewed annually when you register for the given academic year.

ISIC/ALIVE validity:

The initial validity commencement date is printed on the front side of a newly issued CU-ISIC/ALIVE card. After the ISIC/ALIVE function expires, the card can no longer be used for ISIC/ALIVE purposes: it is no longer accepted by discount providers or other entities. The ISIC/ALIVE function can be renewed by purchasing a digital license (see below).

The ISIC/ALIVE function of the card expires after 16 months at the latest. Standard validity is from the beginning of September till the end of December of the following year, e.g. 09/2012 – 12/2013.

The ISIC/ALIVE function of your CU-ISIC/ALIVE Student Card always EXPIRES after December 31. Check its current validity on your card!

7. Why should I renew my CU-ISIC/ALIVE card (buy an ISIC/ALIVE digital license)?

Maintaining or renewing the ISIC/ALIVE function in merged ISIC/ALIVE-and-University cards can only be done by purchasing the digital validation license (whereby you pay the ISIC/ALIVE licence fee). If you renew the ISIC/ALIVE function, your merged card will continue to work as an ISIC/ALIVE card and will still be accepted by ISIC/ALIVE contractual partners/discount providers.

A student card whose ISIC/ALIVE function has not been renewed is automatically deleted from the national and international DATABASES OF VALID ISIC/ ALIVE CARDS and will not be accepted by any of the ISIC/ALIVE contractual partners, whether in the Czech Republic or abroad.

8. What happens if I do not pay the licence fee (i.e. if I do not buy an ISIC/ALIVE digital license)?

Without payment of the ISIC/ALIVE licence fee, the merged CU-ISIC/ALIVE Student Card loses its ISIC/ALIVE function and, after expiry of the initial ISIC/ALIVE validity period, will no longer be accepted by ISIC/ALIVE contractual partners/discount providers (see above). Any attempts by the holder to use the card with an expired ISIC/ALIVE function to get a discount or any other benefit may result in seizure of the card.

9. Does the CU-ISIC/ALIVE Student Card have the same validity as the standard ISIC/ALIVE? Am I guaranteed to get the full range of ISIC/ALIVE-related discounts and benefits with this card?

This type of card merges two functions: it is an ID card for students of the University, while also serving as an International Student Identity Card. Its holder can use it for all purposes normally associated with a standard University student ID, and also gains access to many benefits, just like the holders of standard ISIC/ALIVE cards – provided, of course, that the card is still valid in both its aspects, i.e. also for ISIC/ALIVE purposes (see above).

10. Can I get a CU-ISIC/ALIVE Student Card if I am 26 or older?

Yes. A University card merged with the ISIC/ALIVE format can be issued to any full-time student and also to students pursuing their studies in what the University regulations call “combined form” (part classroom, part distance learning) provided that the proportion of classroom teaching (the number of teaching hours) in their curriculum does not fall below 50 per cent of the amount for full-time students during at least six consecutive months. There is no maximum age limit for ISIC/ALIVE eligibility.

11. Where can I get information on discounts offered to ISIC card holders?

ISIC offers its holders a wide range of discounts and benefits in the Czech Republic and in more than 120 countries of the world.

Discounts on skiing passes in ski resorts across the Czech Republic: 10 to 30 per cent.

Discounts on admission to music and film festivals: 10 to 50 per cent.

Special price offers for travel and travel-related products: air and railway tickets, accommodation, travel insurance and a number of other travel products at best prices for ISIC card holders.

Restaurants, transportation, shops, sports... – discounts at more than 2,000 points of sale all over the Czech Republic.

For a database of current discount offers see www.isic.cz..

12. Where can I find an overview of the ALIVE card discounts?

An overview of all discounts is available on the following website: https://www.isic.cz/en/cards/alive-card/

13. Is there special travel insurance for ISIC card holders?

Yes, chek the ISIC website.

14. What should I do if I no longer have my CU-ISIC/ALIVE Student Card (I have lost it, it has been stolen or destroyed)?

It is in your best interest to report the loss to the University as soon as possible. You can do it either in person at the nearest card service centre, or via the internet. You can then ask at one of the card service centres to be issued with a duplicate card.

The replacement of your card or its holder is subject to payment:

The above does not apply when you need a new card because of a change in personal data or a technical failure for which you are not responsible.

15. What should I do if I have been refused a discount?

First check that your ISIC/ALIVE was valid at the time when you claimed the discount (see above). If it was indeed valid, and if the discount you are entitled to as an ISIC/ALIVE card holder was nevertheless denied, you should report the incident to GTS ALIVE s.r.o. (this company is the official distributor of ISIC cards in the Czech Republic) via their web form - available at www.isic.cz. The employees of GTS ALIVE s.r.o. will do their best to sort out the problem.

16. Where can I get answers to my questions about ISIC/ALIVE?

Please contact the ISIC Information Service

Office hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 – 17:00.

Phone: 226 222 333


Last change: October 25, 2024 11:07 
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