CU Gender Equality Plan

Gender Equality Plan

The Gender Equality Plan was prepared on the basis of a thorough audit, in which the University cooperated with external experts from the Institute of Psychology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the NORA Gender Information Centre. Prior to its adoption it was discussed by the Rector’s Board, the Extended Rector’s Board and the Academic Sen-ate of Charles University. The Equal Opportunities Plan was subsequently adopted on 1 April 2022.

Equal Opportunities Audit

A gender audit was carried out at the University between July and December 2021 and consisted of three parts:

  • analysis of documents and websites of the University (desk research)

  • analysis of statistics on remuneration and types of employment

  • questionnaire survey on employee satisfaction

The audit focused on the following topics:

  • goals and values of the organisation

  • gender balance of language and visual presentation

  • HR policy

  • remuneration

  • quality of working environment

  • occupational health

  • reconciliation of personal and professional life

  • culture of the organisation and relationships within the workplace

More than 2,500 employees participated in the questionnaire survey. The return rate among academics, researchers and lecturers was 16%, and more than 24% among other employees. We greatly appreciate this high level of feedback, which allowed us to base our next steps on the opinions and experiences of our staff.

The audit report can be found here (Czech version only).

What is the Gender Equality Plan?

  • a public document in which the institution undertakes to improve gender equality

  • assignment of responsibility for individual tasks

  • earmarking of financial resources

  • data collection and monitoring

  • also includes raising awareness through training courses

What topics is it to cover?

  • work-life balance and organisational culture

  • gender balance in leadership and decision-making

  • recruitment and career development

  • gender dimension in research

  • measures against sexual harassment, gender-based violence and other undesira-ble behaviour

Monitoring the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan

Achievement of the individual objectives of the Plan is subject to regular review. At the beginning of the year a comprehensive assessment is carried out of the state of fulfil-ment of the goals set for the previous year or those that are to be fulfilled continuously throughout the duration of the Plan. The first overall evaluation for 2022 took place in January 2023. The report on the implementation status of the Equal Opportunities Plan was submitted to the Rector’s Board, and subsequently to the Extended Rector’s Board and the Academic Senate of Charles University.

CU Gender Equality Plan

Last change: January 25, 2024 10:07 
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