Award of the Minister of Education

Award of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports

effective from 31 July 2018

The prize is awarded to outstanding students or graduates of a bachelor's, master's or doctoral study programme for outstanding results in studies or scientific, research, development and innovation, artistic or other creative activities related to studies in the given study programme. In addition, the prize is awarded to a student or graduate for an extraordinary act of civic bravery, responsibility or dedication.

The award consists of a diploma and a gift in kind or a monetary gift with a total value of up to CZK 50,000.

Proposals for the award are submitted by the rectors of universities by 31 August of each calendar year; proposals for a graduate may be submitted no later than one year after the proper graduation of studies in the relevant degree programme. A maximum of 10 prizes may be awarded in a calendar year.

The faculty sends the justified proposals in paper and electronic form to the Rector's Office of Charles University no later than 30 May.

The statute of the prize is published at: (available in Czech only).

Award of the Minister of Education for 2024

Bachelor´s study programme:


Bc. Anežka Tefrová

An outstanding act:


group of students

The award ceremony took place on 19 November 2024 in the Liechtenstein Palace.

Award of the Minister of Education for 2023

Bachelor's study programme:


Bc. Samuel Jankových

Master's study programme:


Mgr. Jan Faltejsek

Doctoral study programme:

3. LF

MUDr. MgA. Pavla Tichá, Ph.D.

Honorable mention for dissertation:


Mgr. Eva Potužníková, Ph.D.

The award ceremony took place on 20 November 2023 in the Liechtenstein Palace.

Award of the Minister of Education for 2022

Doctoral study programme:


RNDr. Lenka Kubíčková, Ph.D.

An outstanding act:

2. LF

MUDr. Vyacheslav Grebenyuk

3. LF

Anna Krejčová

The award ceremony took place on 12 December 2022 in the Senate.

Award of the Minister of Education for 2021

Doctoral study programme:


Mgr. Jiří Pospíšil, Ph.D.

An outstanding act:

3. LF

MUDr. Markéta Malecová

Due to the epidemic situation, the award ceremony in the Senate was cancelled.

Award of the Minister of Education for the exceptional actions of students during the Covid-19 pandemic - r. 2020

3. LF

MUDr. Metoděj Renza a Tomáš Sychra


Kateřina Holubová

Prizes awarded on the occasion of 17 November 2020, due to the current situation, the award ceremony did not take place.

Award of the Minister of Education for 2018

Bachelor's study programme:

3. LF

Klára Šerých

Master's study programme:


Eliška Selingerová

The award ceremony took place in November 2018 at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Award of the Minister of Education for 2017

Bachelor's study programme:


Bc. Barbora Vacková


Bc. Jasna Simonová

Master's study programme:


MUDr. Karel Kieslich

Doctoral study programme:


Mgr. Matej Moravčík, Mgr. Martin Schmid

An outstanding act:

LF Pilsen

Jáchym Weisner

The award ceremony took place on 29 November 2017 at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Award of the Minister of Education for 2016


Bc. Jakub Rybák


MUDr. Jan Hanzelka


RNDr. Helena Reichlová, Ph.D.


Lukáš Malý

The award ceremony took place on 16 November 2016 at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Award of the Minister of Education for 2015


Bc. Eva Martínková


Bc. Jana Smrčková


Julius Lukeš


Ing. Lucie Augustovičová, Ph.D.

The award ceremony took place on 1 December 2015 at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Award of the Minister of Education for 2014


Bc. Barbora Kukrechtová


RNDr. Lukáš Grajciar, Ph.D.

The award ceremony took place at the National Pedagogical Museum of J. A. Comenius on 18 November 2014.

Last change: December 2, 2024 12:49 
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