• News


Experts: Outbreak was only a matter of time

Speakers at a one-day conference at Charles University focusing on the pandemic more than a year on agreed: an outbreak  such as the one we have seen was a ticking time bomb. Despite how prepared we might be in terms of knowledge, virologist Ladislav Machala said globalisation had shown we have never been “more vulnerable.“

25 March 2021

Research data management e-learning course now in English

Last year, the Open Science Support Centre launched a popular e-learning course on Research Data Management. We are happy to announce that the course is now available in English, too! The Research Data Management course introduces basic concepts of research data management as well as some specific tools that can help you manage your data effectively.

22 March 2021

Workshop for foreign employees of CU - Communication skills

Find a better way how to present your ideas! This interactive webinar organized by Staff Welcome Centre will introduce you to some of the skills you need to communicate more effectively at work.

12 March 2021

The 6th Year of the PRIMUS Research Programme!

Take a unique opportunity to start a new scientific group or laboratory at the Charles University! The sixth year of the PRIMUS Research Programme is comming!

Primus Research program aims at supporting researchers, increasing the dynamics of scientific work, including the mobility of workers, and the development of young scientists.

1 March 2021

Forum: Researching social interaction during the pandemic

A new study by economists at the CERGE-EI think-tank IDEA researching social interaction and the spread of Covid-19, provides answers to where mistakes were made during the pandemic. March 1 marks exactly one year since the Czech Republic registered its first two cases of the novel coronavirus.

1 March 2021

Philosopher and former education minister Jan Sokol dies at 84

Czech philosopher Jan Sokol, a signatory of the Charter 77 human rights declaration in 1976, has died at the age of 84. He was a key public figure known for his work in academia, his contributions to clandestine samizdat literature in communist Czechoslovakia, and – following communism – was a former MP, minister of education as well as one-time presidential candidate. In the election in 2003, he lost to former prime minister Václav Klaus.

16 February 2021

Open Science at CUNI: Are we there yet?

The year 2020 was like no other. The covid-19 pandemic seized the world and we all had to face challenges in both personal and professional lives. For the Open Science Support Centre at the Central Library of Charles University, it was also the first year of operation and efforts to introduce the principles of open science into the common practice of the scientific community of Charles University. How did we do?

21 January 2021

PhD STARS program 2021 is open for applications

Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague has launched its program supporting talented PhD research students from all over the world. During the STARS 2021 call, prospective students can apply to PhD research topics announced on the web page on January 11th, 2021. Deadline for application is March 13th, 2021.

19 January 2021

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