• News


With a new library platform from September

Before we launch a new platform from September 2021, it is necessary to temporarily close all libraries’ operation at Charles University. The temporary shutdown will take place from 12 to 31 August 2021 inclusive. Data from existing systems will be transferred to the new platform, the system configuration will be finalized, and we will train all CU libraries staff during this period.

29 June 2021

Open access e-learning course now available in English

The Open Science Support Centre offers a number of educational activities and methodological materials, including online courses in the Moodle for further education system. One of the first courses, Open Access at CU - How to publish Open Access?, is now also available in English.

25 June 2021

Current information on employee testing and entry to CU premises

Based on the Czech government’s Emergency Measure, starting on 17 March 2021 employees shall not be admitted to workplaces without confirmation that they have tested negative for SARS-CoV-2. For this reason, Charles University is initiating the large-scale testing of its employees.

15 June 2021

Tsikhanouskaya: We want free elections

Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya is on a four-day visit to the Czech Republic. The leader was invited to Prague by the speaker of the Senate, Miloš Vystrčil. On Monday afternoon, she and her team met for talks at Charles University. On the agenda: ways to help students and to support democracy in Belarus.

8 June 2021

Staff Welcome Centre of Charles University

Are you a new Charles University employee from abroad and need some advice on moving to the Czech Republic? Or maybe you are our colleague from the university and are preparing to hire an employee from abroad at your workplace and are not sure what needs to be done before the person arrives.

24 May 2021

Follow us on social media!

Now we will have all we need to know about the university and life there in one place.

Are they opening a new interesting field of study? Does CU test foreign students for covid for free? Is there going to be a concert for Erasmus students? Are they preparing an interesting webinar on communication skills? We will be informed about all of that, and more.

12 May 2021

4EU+ brimming with new opportunities

Last month, the rectors of the 4EU+ Alliance established a new legal entity. The association, based in Heidelberg, aims to strengthen cooperation among all six member universities, says Charles University’s Vice-Rector for European Affairs Lenka Rovná.

10 May 2021

CU completes internal evaluation of research activities

The International research Evaluation Board has completed its internal evaluation of research activity at CU. This is the first time that a Czech university has attempted, on its own initiative, to carry out such a comprehensive, critical and independent evaluation of its own research activity with the assistance of an international panel.

23 April 2021

Special appeal for support for online student activities

The goal of this appeal is to support student clubs and associations at CU (and/or related activities by individuals), particularly in the following areas: online getting-to-know-you events and information activities for first-year students, activities for caring for students’ mental health, sports and introductory activities for students, activities for support and popularisation connected to study.

29 March 2021

Warning against fraudulent e-mails misusing the name of CU

Charles University urgently warns against fraudulent e-mails that were sent on the night of 25 March 2021. These e-mails contain a false request for a price quote and misuse the name of CU and its e-mail addresses, both fictional and real. This is a scam. These e-mails have nothing to do with Charles University.

26 March 2021

Contact Us

Charles University

Ovocný trh 5

Prague 1

116 36

Czech Republic

CU Point - Centre for Information, Counselling and Social Services


Phone: +420 224 491 850

Erasmus+ info:



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