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In pictures: Czechs mark 17 November

Czechs have been marking 17 November, commemorating the courage of students and citizens who stood up to two different totalitarian regimes: against the Nazi oppressors in 1939 and the Communists 50 years later. Students, teachers and representatives of Charles University as well as colleagues from other schools and regular citizens, all took part.

18 November 2021

CU's discovery service: Searching made easy

Charles University recently launched its new discovery service, UKAŽ, facilitating the simultaneous and smooth search of printed, digitised and electronic resources. The system was a complete redesign of its forerunner, integrating the catalogues of more than 60 CU libraries. Searching for books has never been more convenient.

15 November 2021

Students to students - Student Chamber of the Academic Senate of CU

The Student Chamber of the Academic Senate of Charles University appeals to students of individual faculties, to persevere in the observance of anti-epidemic measures and to get vaccinated. Their aim is to maintain the necessary in-person teaching despite the ever-increasing number of positively tested for COVID-19.

9 November 2021

Milena Králíčková elected first woman rector of CU

Charles University professor Milena Králíčková has been elected the next rector of Charles University. She becomes the first woman in the history of the school to hold the top post.

22 October 2021

A fascinating time to be a virologist

"I have always been attracted to science from a medical point of view. The choice of virology was a combination of relevance to human health and the technical possibilities of that time," says Professor Hans-Georg Kraeusslich, explaining why he became a virologist. Professor Kraeusslich was recently honoured by Charles University.

15 October 2021

The legacy of the Vienna Circle

This month, Charles University became the first stop for a traveling exhibition about the Vienna Circle from the University of Vienna. The show was accompanied by a conference on the lasting influence of the group – which included philosophers and scientists such as Moritz Schlick and Otto Neurath.

14 October 2021

Europeaum’s Graham awarded medal from Rector Tomáš Zima

On 24 September 2021, the Rector of Charles University, Professor Tomáš Zima, was pleased to award a Gold Medal to Dr Andrew Graham in recognition of the strong reinvigoration of the Europaeum that has occurred under his leadership. Charles University joined the Europeaum in 2001 and has been a strong supporter ever since. It has therefore especially welcomed the recent resurgence. 

30 September 2021

Eriksen: The pandemic reminded us what really matters

Thomas Hylland Eriksen is a world-renowned anthropologist whose research has taken him from the islands of Mauritius and Trinidad to Australia and back to his homeland, Norway. A professor at the University of Oslo, Eriksen is a prolific author, perhaps best known for the seminal Tyranny of the Moment: Fast and Slow Time in the Information Age (2001) and Overheating: An Anthropology of Accelerated Change (2016). The professor was honoured by Charles University recently.

23 September 2021

The Medic Orchestra of Semmelweis University in Prague

The Medic Orchestra of Semmelweis University (Hungary) - this year marks the 250th anniversary of the school's foundation - was formed eleven years ago and has been led by artistic director and conductor Gergely Dubóczky since 2009. Its members are primarily students from the medical school, as well as from other Hungarian institutions of higher education.

15 September 2021

Participate in our Nerd Art Prize contest

The Chaperon ERA Research Club invites you to participate in our Nerd Art Prize contest by sending us your best scientific photo or picture. Five best pictures will be selected by a committee composed of the Chaperon project leadership group. The winning pictures will be hung in the newly constructed campus building of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen and the winners will be rewarded with surprise gifts.

25 August 2021

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116 36

Czech Republic

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