Kariérní den na UK / Career day at CU - online
When to choose career counselling and how can it help me? What methods of career counselling can be used (in the offer of services of the Career Center of the UK)? Talent vs. strength, potential vs. restrictions or how to properly recognize own talents when choosing a study program and in future career. Getting to know the Gallup methodology and talent system and examples of CliftonStrengths® reports - how to effectively use your strengths for your own personal development. Practical examples of test tools most often used in career counselling and their use during the studies and in the future practice.
Date: 20th March, 2025
Time: 15 - 16
Lector: Denisa Stáncová
Začátek akce | 20. března 2025 v 15 |
Konec akce | 20. března 2025 v 16 |
Organizátor | Soňa Vítková |
Email na organizátora | sona.vitkova@ruk.cuni.cz |
Telefon na organizátora | 224491651 |
Webové stránky | https://kariernicentrum.cuni.cz/KCUK-46.html |
Rezervace | https://registrace.cuni.cz/RegisterEvent/6f52e440-b9fc-4ea6-9782-dd9a152274fc |
Univerzita Karlova
Ovocný trh 560/5
Praha 1, 116 36
Česká republika
Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4
IČO: 00216208
DIČ: CZ00216208