LaTeX typesetting system

The program LaTex is intended in particular for users experienced in computer science and natural sciences. For students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, a template has been prepared containing the basic instructions for creating valid PDF/A (version 2u). With slight alterations (changing the name of faculty, logo, etc.), this template may be used by students of other faculties as well. You may find detailed information in Czech language on PDF/A, and especially PDF/A in TeX on the page Insights on working with PDF/A (Postřehy o práci s PDF/A). You may also use the tool for converting images from PDF to PDF/A. Students MFF as well as students of other faculties are strongly advised to familiarize themselves with the above documents and to follow the advice given in them.

For a basic understanding of LaTex, we recommend the following text.

Poslední změna: 14. květen 2024 11:45 
Za obsah stránky zodpovídá: Ústav výpočetní techniky
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