Annexes and their formats

The format of an annex for thesis is determined by the nature of the annex. It should be remembered that the electronic version fully replaces the paper version and that the annex is an integrated part that will be accessed and archived in the Charles University collections together with it. As such, it should definitely not contain a draft version of any documents or a separate part of the thesis (e.g. the title page or table of contents) and it should be in a form that allows future users to easily navigate in the submitted files.

Text annex

The following formats are permitted for text annexes:

  • PDF/A, version 1a or 2u. However, if possible, we recommend having the components of the file together with the thesis text. Please follow the instructions for creating a file with the thesis text in PDF/A.

  • Simple text in UTF-8 coding according to ISO/IEC 10646:2014 – we recommend this in particular for annexes with the source code character.

Image annex

For a standard image annex, we recommend using PDF/A, version 1a or 2u.

Please follow the instructions for creating a file with the thesis text in PDF/A.

If required by the nature of the annex, Joint Photographic Experts Group File Interchange Format (JPEG) or Portable Network Graphic (PNG) may be used.

Audio annex

The following formats are permitted:

  • Waveform audio format (WAV, with the extension .wav or .wave)

  • Moving Picture Experts Group Phase Audio Layer III (with the extension .mp3)

Audio-visual annexes

The following formats are permitted:

  • Moving Picture Experts Group Phase 2 (MPEG-2, with the extension .vob)

  • Moving Picture Experts Group Phase 4 (MPEG-4, with the extension .mp4)

Table documents

The following formats are permitted:

  • Comma-separated values (CSV, with the extension .csv)

  • Extensible Markup language (XML, with the extension .xml) – in such a case, it must also include the corresponding XSD or DTD

Annexes with an unapproved format

In exceptional cases, you may submit an annex in other formats. This is used in particular for computer programs, simulations, or essential research data.

Where necessary, texts of articles supplementing the work may also be submitted as an annex in an unapproved format. This involves articles that a publisher provides to the author in PDF and that cannot be converted into the PDF/A format. Since annexes are published in the Digital University Repository, we recommend that authors control the licensing terms of the journal. The terms may be found in the agreement or are declared on the web pages of the journal/publisher. The journal’s policies may also be found using the SHERPA/RoMEO service.

A request containing the following information should accompany an annex in an unapproved format:

  • Reason for the request,

  • The requested formats of the annex files (including the versions or more detailed specifications) or the program language (including the version),

  • If it involves a proprietary format for the data of an application, then the title and version of this application,

  • Other relevant information.

The faculty coordinator for the thesis approves the request.

Charles University does not guarantee the long-term archiving of and access to annexes in unapproved formats.

Poslední změna: 24. leden 2019 16:12 
Za obsah stránky zodpovídá: Ústav výpočetní techniky
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