Start Programme - evaluators

Dear colleagues,

we would like to draw your attention to the possibility of becoming an evaluator of project proposals within the new internal grant schemes for PhD students. These are student research projects, which are financed by the operational program Research, developement and education. The projects are submitted by PhD students from the public universities listed below.


Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Masaryk University

Mendel University in BrnoMendelova univerzita v Brně

University of Ostrava

Technical university of Liberec

University of Hradec Králové

Charles University

The University of Pardubice

Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Technical University of Ostrava

Brno University of Technology

University of West Bohemia in Pilsen

The participating universities assume that the evaluations of project proposals will be done electronically.

The basic conditions for evaluations are:

  • Project applications will be submitted in the English language.

  • At some universities, the entire internal grant scheme will be entirely in English (ie including evaluation reports).

  • Project proposals will be assigned according to Frascati area fields of focus and Frascati Ford.

  • Evaluators cannot evaluate project proposals from the internal grant scheme of the university with which they are in an employment relationship (employment contract, DPP, DPČ). The only exceptions are cases where an employment relationship is concluded solely for the evaluation of project proposals in the existing internal grant schemes at the given university.

  • The project proposal evaluations will take place at individual universities at various dates. Overall, the evaluation is spread over a 2 year period starting in October 2020.

Evaluator database and registration

An evaluator database has been created in cooperation with twelve universities for organizational and technical purposes from the funds of the centralized development project “Development and effective use of subsidy tools in accordance with legislation and subsidy conditions”. In the event that any of the above-listed universites does not create a new internal grant scheme, they can use registered evaluators from the evaluator database for evaluating existing grant schemes.

Currently, we are starting registration of candidates for evaluation into the evaluator database. If you are interested in being added to the evaluator database, fill in the short questionnaire which is available in the links below:

- Czech version

- English version

The first wave of registrations will take place until 30. 9. 2020. Send the completed questionnaire to: .

Steps following the registration

The individual universities will select an evaluator from the evaluator database based on the submitted project applications and the evaluators’ corresponding focus through a designated contact. Information on submitted project applications along with an evaluation offer will then be sent to those evaluators. If the evaluator accepts the offer, he / she will be informed by the given university about further steps in the evaluation process, which will take place outside the evaluator database. Each university organizes its own evaluation process.

The evaluator will be entitled to a financial reward for an evaluation, which will be paid to him / her at his university of origin according to the internal procedures of his / her university. At Charles University, the evaluator will be entitled to CZK 1,500 in the form of a bonus to his / her salary.


You can send your questions about the database of evaluators and registration to:

Department of Project Support, Charles University

Mgr. Jitka Baťková

+420 606 215 938

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Last change: November 12, 2020 12:01 
Responsible for site content: Research Support Office
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