START Programme

The Start programme is a new programme to support research at CU, which is open to students of doctoral programmes at the University. The programme is realised as part of the following project:


Grant schemes at CU

operational programme:

Research, Development and Education

project registration no. at CU:


Announcement on the final evaluation of the results of the START program projects

Information of the final evaluation of the results of the START program projects you can find there.

Information of results of the Start programme

Information of results of the Start programme you can find on this page.

Documentation during project implementation

➤ Attention New important information

Information on how to hand over the Final report: until 28th April 2023 at the latest. In electronic form until 12 am, via registry of the Rectorate in print (please direct to , OVaV) until the end of working hours of the registry:

Notice regarding the filling of the Final report:

Please make sure to fill out all pieces of information thoroughly to the respective columns, e.g. the fulfilment of every educational goal to the column "Evaluation of fulfilment of educational goal" and outputs of the project and foreign activities to the column "Summary of implementation of student grant". If not necessary do not repeat same information in both columns (e.g. in case of educational goals do not make a list of conferences that you have attended if they are already described in the first column). Consistently mark the numbers of reports with confirmations, travel reports etc. In case you do not comply the report will be returned to you for revision.

Documentation before project implementation

Principles of the Start Programme

  • Rector’s Measure no. 19/2020 as amananded in Rector’s Measure no. 11/2021

Applicants, other researchers, mentors




Forms for mentor/researcher outside CU

Preliminary schedule




15. 09. 2020 – 30. 10. 2020

submission of project proposals

head researchers

02. 11. 2020 – 06. 11. 2020

1st round of evaluation – formal aspects

university clerk

02. 11. 2020 - 20. 11. 2020

remedy of formal defects

head researchers

23. 11. 2020 – 31. 12. 2020

2nd round of evaluation

external evaluators

01. 01. 2021 - 12. 02. 2021

3rd round of evaluation

commission of rapporteurs

15. 02. 2021 – 26. 02. 2021

announcement of results

university clerk

01. 03. 2021 – 31. 03. 2021

signature of research Agreement

head researchers, deans, Rector

01. 04. 2021 – 31. 03. 2023

work on projects

01. 04. 2023 – 30. 04. 2023

submission of Final Reports

head researchers

28. 04. 2023

submission of Final Reports:

dead line (weekend)

head researchers

01. 05. 2023 – 31. 05. 2023

evaluation of Final Reports

commission of rapporteurs

30. 06. 2023

end of realisation of entire project

The entire evaluation process, including the submission of proposals and announcement of results to head researchers, takes place electronically within IS Věda.

Conditions of competition

  • Project proposals can be submitted by doctoral students during their standard study period.

  • Only doctoral students may be involved in a team as researchers.

  • The maximum number of members of a research team is 5 doctoral students (including the head researcher).

  • In addition to a team of researchers, every project must also include a mentor – an expert, who is at the same time an employee of CU, who provides professional support for the team and its research, while not being part of it themselves.

Information for evaluators

Information for evaluators can be found here on this page.

Last change: October 18, 2023 18:46 
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