Offer 2 Details of the scheme

Offer 2

Details of the scheme

The purpose of this scheme is to allow post-docs across the University to set up and run events such as conferences and symposia. The intention is to facilitate postdoctoral activities within the faculties and units, while providing an opportunity for the development of invaluable skills and experience in the process.

You can apply for up to 15 000 CZK per activity.

It is important to discuss your proposal including the budget with your faculty or unit first. Your faculty or unit needs to be willing to cover your conference/symposia expenses first. We will reimburse the faculty after the event has taken place on the basis of submitted statement.

Application guidelines

Budgeting section

• There is no requirement for a budgetary breakdown at this stage; a simple delineation of headline costs is sufficient;

• Headline costs can include expenses, including temporary platform licences for online events or venue hire;

• Travel and accommodation expenses can be covered only for keynote speakers;

• No catering or refreshments expenses can be included;

• Details of additional funding sources secured or to be applied for (especially when proposals require more than the maximum available from this scheme) should be included in the Headline costs;

• Funding must be spent within 12 months from date of acceptance.

Profile section

• Target audience is other postdocs/early stage academics but it is not limited only to them;

• All organisers (not just the lead applicant) need to be listed;

• Interdisciplinary proposals are welcome, but the interdisciplinary aspects must be explained and, the organising group should include representatives of more than one discipline;

• Senior academic conferences will not be considered.

Postdoctoral Development Agenda section

It is desirable for applicants to articulate a post-doc development theme or activity.

Themes that must be included in the application:

• a session focused on research integrity;


• a session focused on innovative teaching experiences.

Examples of themes recommended to be included but are not limited to:

• an early career session with a focus on career progression and development;

• a writing retreat which includes sessions on writing practice;

• a seminar series addressing topical themes for post-docs/early career academics;

• a 'meet the expert' session providing an opportunity for early post-docs to meet established experts and discuss career paths, how to overcome hurdles along the journey, etc.

Last change: May 23, 2022 13:57 
Responsible for site content: Research Support Office
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