Other Mobility Programmes

You can also take part in a study period at Charles University via other programmes supporting student mobility. These periods are organized by universities, research institutes, educational foundations, institutions attached to embassies, national governments, non-profit governmental organizations, etc.

For more information on these programmes please contact your home university or your home country’s education ministry; you can also find a lot of information on the internet.

For some of the better known programmes, see:


The Baden-Württemberg-Stipendium is a scholarship programme supporting international exchanges of university students, higher secondary school students and graduates of vocational schools. It funds periods spent abroad by German students and periods spent by international students at higher education institutions in Baden-Württemberg.

For more details, see the Baden-Württemberg-Stipendium website.

Gerda Henkel Stiftung

The Düsseldorf-based Gerda Henkel Foundation (Gerda Henkel Stiftung) offers scholarship programmes in historical disciplines, especially history, archaeology, art history, history of law etc.

Details of currently offered programmes, including application forms, are posted on the Gerda Henkel Stiftung website

BAYHOST - Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe

The Bavarian Academic Centre for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe BAYHOST is an umbrella organization embracing all Bavarian universities, higher education applied sciences institutions and art academies. One of the objectives of this organization is to provide support for academic exchanges of students and researchers. BAYHOST supports these activities through a number of scholarships.

For more details, see the BAYHOST website.

Der Deutsch-Tschechische Zukunftsfonds (Czech-German Future Fund)

The scholarship programme of the Czech-German Future Fund targets Czech and German students who want to work on research projects focused on various aspects of Czech-German relations during a study period in the neighbouring country.

Every year the fund provides support for ten periods of study by both Czech and German students at universities or other higher education institutions in the neighbouring country, each for a period of ten months.

Applications for Czech-German Future Fund scholarships can be submitted by students enrolled in Master’s and Bachelor’s degree programmes, and also by PhD students. The target group are students of humanities and social sciences – from history to literature, law and economics.

For more details, see the Deutsch-Tschechische Zukunftsfond website.

CEEPUS - Central European Exchange Program for University Studies

The CEEPUS programme supports multilateral regional cooperation through university networks. The goal of the programme is to create a Central European university network consisting of various sub-networks. Partner universities collaborate on various research tasks within the network.

CEEPUS II agreements have been signed by the following countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia/FYROM, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia; Kosovo is a cooperating partner.

The CEEPUS programme is targeted at undergraduate students who have completed at least two semesters, postgraduate students and academic staff. The programme is based on the principle of reciprocity in exchanges.

It is also possible to become part of the network as a ‘free mover’ if your home university is not a member of a suitable network.

For more details about the programme, see the CEEPUS website.

AKTION Österreich - Tschechische Republik

AKTION Austria - Czech Republic is a programme supporting bilateral cooperation among higher education institutions in teaching and research.

The programme covers education and research activities in all fields.

It offers grant funding for study and research periods in the partner country and participation in summer language schools and other summer school events.

For more details of the programme, see the AKTION website.

DAAD - Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is one of the largest organizations in the world supporting international mobility for students and academic staff. It was founded in 1925 and has provided funding to over 1.5 million recipients.

DAAD supports international links with German universities and promotes the study of German language and culture abroad.

Besides funding periods abroad for German students and academic staff, DAAD also awards a range of grants to non-German applicants in order to fund their study or research periods to German universities.

For more details, see the DAAD website.

The Fulbright Commission

The Fulbright Commission was established in 1991 through an agreement signed by the Czech Republic and the United States of America with the aim of fostering mutual understanding through educational, scientific and cultural exchanges based on government scholarship programmes and advisory or information services.

The main job of the Fulbright Commission is to administer government scholarships or other programmes of study, research and teaching in the United States. The programme administration involves activities connected both with the selection procedure and with the stays of Fulbright scholarship holders.

Through its Advisory Service, the Fulbright Commission serves also as a source of information for Americans interested in studying or doing research in the Czech Republic and assists representatives of American schools and educational organizations.

For more details, see the Fulbright Commission website.

The International Visegrad Fund

The International Visegrad Fund (IVF) was established in 2000. Its member states (collectively known as the ‘V4’) are the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

The objective of the fund is to foster closer cooperation among the member states and to strengthen mutual ties in the fields of culture, science and research, education, youth exchanges, tourism and cross-border cooperation.

The fund offers various scholarship programmes for study/research periods in Visegrad Fund member countries.

For more details, see the International Visegrad Fund website.

Last change: February 10, 2018 23:19 
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