Priorities for the period 2024–2026

Although the university has made significant progress in many areas, it will continue to support these efforts in the next three-year period. It will actively develop its existing activities, adjusting their direction based on feedback from employees. In the upcoming three years, there will be a strong emphasis on ethics. The university will cultivate an employee rights protection system under the leadership of ombuds and ombudspersons at the faculties, identify ethically complex issues, and provide available support in resolving them.

The university will also work on implementing the “Sustainable Development Strategy of Charles University”, evaluate how the university has performed in fulfilling the first action plan for 2023–2024, and prepare a new action plan that will again bring our university closer to its main goal in this area, namely sustainable functioning by 2030, not only through a responsible approach to operations but also through educational and creative activities.

In the area of science and research, CU will significantly restructure its support for submitting grant projects. A survey conducted in the second half of last year suggested that this has not been utilized as much as we would like. A common goal should be for the university to submit more applications in international grant schemes, especially in EU programmes like Horizon Europe (in the future FP10) and Erasmus+ KA2.

CU also aims to popularize the research work of its academics and to proactively communicate it to the public. For its academics, CU will prepare and offer courses and workshops that will improve their skills in the popularization of science and research and public speaking.

This year, the university will establish an advisory body or informal group that will facilitate regular meetings with early-career researchers, especially those with significant international experience. They will discuss topics such as grant opportunities, working conditions, and career growth, and provide feedback for the development of Charles University.

Last change: December 19, 2024 10:04 
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