CU will defend the HR Excellence in Research this year

It had been five years since Charles University received the prestigious award “HR Excellence in Research” (the HR Award) from the European Commission. 


The HR Excellence in Research Award (the HR Award) is granted to universities and institutions that succeed in implementing the European strategy Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) based on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The Charter and the Code are a set of principles and requirements for researchers and their employers concerning areas such as ethics, working conditions, professional development, equal opportunities, evaluation, or the recruitment of new employees. The goal is to present clearer perspectives and opportunities for career development and to improve and harmonize the working conditions throughout the European research space, thus promoting a positive perception of the research profession with respect to the general public, increasing the attractiveness for young people, and facilitating the transfer of know-how and mobility between institutions. 

Accordingly, the award enhances CU’s prestige and attractiveness for recruiting new researchers, including those from abroad, since the award is a guarantee that the university meets European standards in terms of caring for employees, the openness and transparency of selection procedures, and a high-quality working environment. 

As a part of this award, Charles University has also committed to continually improving the working conditions for its researchers and to maintaining high standards in the area of human resources. In addition, the award presents opportunities for bonuses or more favourable conditions with respect to submitting grant applications. Last but not least, the HR Excellence in Research Award supports CU in its efforts geared to internationalization and its participation in the pan-European network of research organizations. 

In the autumn of this year, a team of international evaluators will come to CU, and the university will need to demonstrate that it has met its obligations and that it intends to continue making improvements in the human resources area and in caring for its employees.  

In the upcoming weeks and months, we will keep you informed on social media, in university newsletters, and on the websites about how each area has changed, what has been achieved, and what lies ahead for the university. We will focus on the following areas: 



Working conditions

Open science 

Research and projects 

Career principles and selection procedures  

Education and development 


You can find more information on the HR Excellence in Research Award web pages.We also recommend reading the brochure HR Excellence in Research Award at Charles University

Last change: June 27, 2024 14:19 
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