Under International Credit Mobility (ICM), a HEI in a Partner Country (partners outside EU) can send its students or staff to a partner HEI in a Programme Country (EU countries), and vice versa. The durations for student or staff exchange vary depending on the grants awarded by the European Commission for the partner HEIs in the Project.
Please contact your home university Erasmus+ coordinator for more information on ongoing projects and inquiries related to the future collaborations within Erasmus+ ICM projects.
If you are studying at an institution which has an Erasmus+ agreement with the Charles University (CU), you are eligable to apply for a study stay at CU. To apply, you need to be selected by your home University.
Once selected by your home university, you need to be nominated by your Erasmus+ coordinator to the email address erasmus(at)ruk.cuni.cz. The nomination must include you name, email address, study field and degree for which you are currently studying at your home university (or its equivalent in the Bologna system - Bc, MA, Ph.D.).
As soon as you get a confirmation from us, you should complete the online application.
In the application, you will be asked to set up a list of courses you would like to attend during your study stay at the Charles University. You will find our course/modules offerings in English, German, French and other foreign laguages in the course catalogues of our 17 faculties. You will need to take min. 51% of your subjects from the offer of the faculty we will indicate to you as your host one. Your courses must be relevant to your studies.
As soon as your home university approves your Learning Agreement, it must be delivered to the Charles University and confirmed at faculty level.
The document shall be emailed as scan either to the relevant faculty coordinator or to the European Office.
Finally, the European Office will be responsible for completing the whole administrative procedure. We will prepare your Letter of Admission, your Visa application documents and we will also inform you how you will get the International Credit Mobility scholarship paid out.
Please note that the International Credit Mobility scholarship (including travel costs reimbursement) will be paid out only after your arrival to the Czech Republic - you will need to pay your transportation to the Czech Republic and likely the first few days of the living costs before getting the scholarship from us.
Thank you in advance for considering this when planning your International Credit Mobility study stay at the Charles University!