Prolongation of your study stay

Prolongation of your study stay

Step 1

If you are interested in extending your study stay at Charles University, please bear in mind that you should discuss your intention with the faculty coordinator in advance and make sure the faculty is willing to accept you for another semester.

It is usually possible to extend the stay from winter semester for a full academic year. Extension for a shorter period than a semester is possible only in special cases, such as an extra bloc course, extra exam period or traineeship.

The faculty usually sets up a deadline until when you can inform the coordinator about your interest in extending your stay. For more information, please contact your faculty coordinator.

Step 2

As soon as you get a positive response, please download and fill out your new Learning Agreement. Please note that chosen subjects have to be discussed with your home university as well as host faculty coordinator. Please pay attention to the accommodation section and state if you would like to prolong your place in the CU dormitory for the second semester.

Step 3

Please sign the filled LA and send it to your home university coordinator with a request to confirm your Erasmus+ study stay extension.

Step 4

As soon as your home university approves your new learning agreement, it has to be delivered to your host faculty coordinator (scanned version via e-mail is sufficient)

Step 5

Finally, you will receive confirmed LA and Letter of admission from the Charles University European office. If you don’t get your acceptance documents by the end of January, please contact us at Visa students will be asked to collect the original of their Letter of admission in the European office.

Last change: October 11, 2023 10:53 
Responsible for site content: International Relations Office
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