Selection criteria


Students are advised to approach the application responsibly. You should carefully study in advance the university criteria, as well as the requirements of the foreign university.

Charles University makes sure that the selected applicants are able to represent the university and successfully manage their studies abroad. Sending a suitable candidate takes precedence over trying to fill the places provided to the university. Thus, the student’s application could be rejected even if there is no other candidate, and the position would remain vacant.

As a part of the selection procedure, students must submit the following:

1. CV

2. Motivation Letter

3. Language skills certificate

4. Curriculum

5. Recommendation letter from an instructor

6. Transcript of records

(7.) Confirmation of acceptance (only postgraduate students)

Personal data consent

All the above documents are uploaded to the online application in PDF format and are a mandatory part of the application. Please do not upload to the application documents other than those requested above.

The absence of any documents may be a reason to exclude the candidate from the selection procedure. The same applies to providing false information.

In addition to the correct content, all submitted documents must be free of grammatical and stylistic errors.

CV (in English, unless otherwise specified)

Your structured CV must contain contact information (e-mail address, telephone number), and study history (previous studies + current area of study).

We also recommend including information about study visits and extracurricular activities.

Motivation letter (in English, if not otherwise specified)

For more information, see the section Motivace k výjezdu.

Language skills certificate

Students must demonstrate their English language skills (or skills for the language of instruction at the partner university) at least at the B2 level.

The following documents are accepted:

  • Language exam certificate (FCE, CAE, CPE, TOEFL, IELTS,…)

  • Confirmation from the language department

  • In the event of objective obstacles preventing the submission of any of the documents mentioned above, it is possible to accept confirmation from a teacher of the specific language (from student´s home faculty) that the B2 level has been reached.

The following documents are not accepted:

  • Secondary school diploma

  • Completed language course

  • Completed language exam/subject taught in a foreign language indicated in your transcripts

The only exception to the requirement of presenting a language skills certificate is granted to:

  • A native speaker of English

  • A student enrolled in an English taught programme at Charles university

  • A student enrolled in a programme English-american studies or programmes Translation Czech - English /

    Interpreting Czech - English

If a specific language certificate is a condition for admission to a foreign university and the student does not have it at the time of submitting the application, the student confirms by submitting the application that they will obtain it before the start of the application process at the partner university. We recommend that you register for the exam immediately after completing the selection procedure. Partner universities do not allow exceptions to their language requirements during the application process.

If a native English speaker applies for an exchange stay, an affidavit of this fact must be submitted.

Curriculum (in English, if not otherwise specified)

By submitting the curriculum, the student confirms what courses they intend to take at the partner university. Compliance of the choice of courses with the curriculum at the home faculty is investigated.

Students submit a list of the courses that they plan to take. They add a short comment to each course summarizing its contribution to their studies at CU.

We recommend that students think carefully about the number of courses in the curriculum – it should be proportionate to their credit load and length of stay. We recommend three to five courses per semester.

Students submit their curriculum in a standardized form.

Recommendation letter from an instructor

If the purpose of the student’s stay is research relating to their thesis, we recommend that the letter be written by their thesis advisor/supervisor, who will also confirm the intention of the student.

Transcript of records

The student submits a transcript of records for their entire university studies at Charles University or another university. The current transcript from the program in which the student is duly enrolled must include the grade point average (GPA).

Students enrolled in a post-graduate program submit their GPAs from previous studies.

Confirmation of acceptance

Confirmation of acceptance from an academic staff member of the partner university is required if the applicant is a student of a Ph.D. programme of study going on a research stay.

Point evaluation

Students can obtain 25 points (+ 2 bonus points) as part of the selection procedure.

A minimum of 13 points must be obtained to succeed in the selection procedure.

The ranking of the students will be determined according to the number of points obtained and based on this, they will be allocated places at partner universities. Achieving the minimum point threshold does not mean that the student has succeeded. This depends on the order of successful candidates and the number of places. If two candidates obtain the same number of points, priority will be given to the student at a higher level or year in their studies.

Points are assigned according to the following criteria:

Grade point average

10 points

Motivation for the stay

10 points


5 points

A student may also receive an extraordinary bonus of two points for an internationally recognized language certificate demonstrating a B2 level or higher.

Grade point average (0–10 points)

Student submits their grade point average for their current program of study at CU. This is the arithmetic GPA that students can find in the exam results in SIS.

To participate in the selection procedure, students must submit a non-zero grade point average and a transcript of records. Students in the first semester of a bachelor’s degree program who cannot demonstrate their merits are excluded from the selection procedure. Master’s students in the first semester of their studies and Ph.D. students provide proof of their merits for their previous degrees (even if they obtained the degree from another university).

Conversion of arithmetic GPA to points

1,0 – 1,09


2,0 – 2,09


1,1 – 1,19


2,1 – 2,19


1,2 – 1,29


2,2 – 2,29


1,3 – 1,39


2,3 – 2,39


1,4 – 1,49


2,4 – 2,49


1,5 – 1,59


2,5 – 2,59


1,6 – 1,69


2,6 – 2,69


1,7 – 1,79


2,7 – 2,79


1,8 – 1,89


2,8 – 2,89


1,9 – 1,99


2,9 – 3


Motivation for the stay (0–10 points)

Students state their intentions and goals in the motivation letter and their CV. They can also be supported by a recommendation from an instructor. In particular, we evaluate the following activities and facts relating to a student’s profile:

  • Relationship to writing their thesis (4 points)

    If the visit is directly related to the student’s thesis, the student also describes in the motivation letter their research plan and the contribution of the visit to academic research. The relationship to writing their thesis (collection of materials, access to the necessary resources/sources, or contact with an expert abroad) must be documented in one of the following ways:

    • a scanned copy from SIS swith the thesis topic

    • confirmation of the topic by the advisor for the student’s thesis (supervisor)

    The student attaches these documents to the motivation letter. If the relevant document is not submitted, the bonus will not be credited to the student.

  • Motivation for selection of a university abroad (0–4 points)

    The student justifies the choice of a university abroad and demonstrates that they have been thoroughly acquainted with its profile.

  • Declared interest in the language and culture of the host country (0–2 points)

    The student declares their interest in the language and culture of the host country as a part of their current studies and extracurricular activities. Again, supporting documents may be included in the attachments to the motivation letter.

Year (0–5 points)

Bachelor’s program of study

Master’s program of study

1st year

0 points

1st year

0 points

2nd year

1 point

2nd year

1 point

3rd year (and additional years)

2 points

3rd year

2 points

4th year

3 points

Continuing master’s program of study

5th year (and additional years)

4 points

1st year

3 points

2nd year (and additional years)

4 points

Ph.D. program of study

Regardless of the year

5 points

Poslední změna: 27. září 2024 12:41 
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