Autumn Full of New Skills: A Look Back at Workshops for Young Scientists

The autumn educational series for young researchers offered a diverse selection of courses and workshops designed to help participants acquire new skills, broaden their horizons, and build valuable connections. Although the pilot phase of the program is over, don’t worry—we are preparing more inspiring events for spring 2025!

The series featured seven workshops curated in line with the European Competence Framework for Researchers (ResearchComp EU), which identifies key skills necessary for a successful scientific career across disciplines and expands career opportunities for scientists beyond academia. Participants were able to develop research skills, enhance soft skills, and focus on shaping their career paths. A total of 58 postdoctoral researchers attended these seven workshops, gaining new insights and practical tips.

The Open Science course introduced participants to this system of scientific publishing, highlighting its key aspects and limitations, along with practical advice. To develop skills in teamwork and intercultural communication, young researchers could attend the Excellence in International Networking, Teaming and Cooperation workshop.

The Research Data Management workshop introduced participants to FAIR principles and the creation of data management plans (DMPs). Attendees learned how to ensure their data is reusable and shareable in line with the principle “as open as possible, as closed as necessary.” One participant reflected: “A lot of what was presented was new for most of us and the presenters even gave practical tips on actual problems some of us are facing now. I recommend this program to my colleagues. It is an ideal way to obtain a large amount of information about research data management in a short period of time in an accessible form.” The course thus provided attendees with not only valuable knowledge but also practical advice for their daily research activities.

Other thematic workshops included: Entrepreneurship I – Design Thinking, focused on tools for developing entrepreneurial and creative thinking, Entrepreneurship II – Science into Action, which addressed the application of research results in practice, Supervising Graduate and Postgraduate Research Projects, and Various Career Pathways in Research, exploring professional opportunities both within and beyond academia. If you are interested in career development, we also organize a Mentoring Program for Young Scientists. Applications are open until December 31, 2024. More information is available on our website.

Did our workshops catch your interest? Our spring series of seminars will start soon. We will again focus on topics such as open science or career development, but we are also preparing new topics for you! More information will be available soon on our website. To make sure you don't miss anything you can also follow our social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram, X and Bluesky

Last change: December 11, 2024 12:31 
Responsible for site content: Research Support Office
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