31 January 2025
We invite external evaluators to contribute to the selection process for proposals submitted under the Charleston Call for Applicants.
The deadline of this call is May 31st 2025. Link to the registration form here.
About Charleston programme
The Charleston programme is Charles University’s scheme to fund 20 postdoctoral researchers to execute a research projects at a Charles University faculty or institute. The programme is co-funded from the Horizon Europe – MSCA COFUND scheme. The funded projects will last 24months plus 3-6 months mandatory secondment in a non-academic institution. The projects must demonstrate a contribution to the fulfilment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. A clear impact of the postdoc on their career development should be also envisaged in the projects.
More information about Charleston programme can be found on its website.
Who are we looking for
We seek experts with established proficiency in any scientific field. The candidates must have a PhD degree.
UPDATE: We welcome especially experts from these topics - 1.1 Mathematics, 5.1 Psychology and cognitive sciences, 5.4 Sociology, 6.4 Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music)
Experts will be chosen based on their professional experience, expertise across various scientific disciplines, and prior involvement in evaluating proposals for EU programmes. To avoid potential conflicts of interest, evaluators must not reside in the Czech Republic.
Particularly welcome
We especially encourage applications from female experts and those with a non-academic background. We intend to recruit at least 50% of female evaluators and 30% of evaluators with a non-academic background.
All candidates even from non-academic area must have a PhD degree.
What will be your task
The evaluation process will consist of the following tasks:
1) Individual remote evaluation incl. online consensus meetings and reports. Each proposal will be reviewed by two independent experts
2) Interview committee – member
You are invited to participate in both stages or only in the first stage (please indicate your preference in the registration).
Guide for evaluators will be provided to the selected experts to support them in the evaluation process.
Evaluation timeline
Call for evaluators deadline – May 31st 2025
Individual evaluation – July 2025
Consensus meetings, drafting consensus reports – First half of August 2025
Online interview committees – September 2025
What are the benefits for evaluators
Discover innovative projects advancing sustainability across diverse scientific fields.
Gain insights into potential inter-sectoral collaboration opportunities.
Deepen your evaluation and reviewing skills.
Reviewers will be compensated in accordance with the European Commission's standard remuneration for external experts.
The number of applications allocated to each evaluator will be determined by several factors, such as their availability, the total number of submitted applications, and the overall number of evaluators selected through the open call.
Evaluators selected to participate in the evaluation will be required to sign a non-conflict of interest declaration and a contract with the Charles University, before being accepted to evaluate any application.
Please note that this expression of interest to participate in the Charleston Open Call evaluation as an external expert is NOT binding.
The selection of experts will occur at a later stage, as it depends on several factors, including the number and origin of received proposals, the domains they address, and the profiles of potential evaluators.
If you are interested in becoming an independent expert evaluator for the Charleston program, we invite you to fill in the registration form here.
For your Scientific discipline in the form please insert all relevant. Please use ONLY the terminology as given by the Frascatti manual - available here.
Also please send your CV in a PDF format to Charleston programme coordinator: Eva Janů – eva.janu@ruk.cuni.cz.
Should you have any questions related to the evaluation process or your work as an independent evaluator, please contact Eva at eva.janu@ruk.cuni.cz.
N.B. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.