Charles University in Prague consists of 17 faculties. During your stay, you will be officially enrolled at one of these faculties, depending on your field of study. That will be your host faculty. When choosing your courses, please follow one important rule: you are obliged to take a min. of 51% of your subjects from the offer at your host faculty. The rest (max. 49% of subjects) can be selected from the other faculties at the Charles University (if they correspond with your study field and there are places available in the course).
Every faculty offers a variety of courses and seminars in English, German, French and other foreign languages. Most of the faculties present the lists of courses on their websites - as listed below. The offer usually remains very similar each year. However, please note that the final timetables will be available max. 14 days before the start of the semester. Many of the links below will guide you directly to the Student Information System that also serves as the most recent database of courses offered. To make yourself familiar with the system, please use the tutorials added to the course lists in the table below or watch this video-tutorial:
Most faculties offer a number of Czech language classes at various levels, from beginners to intermediate. Incoming students are welcome to register for these. However, because these classes are not part of the standard curriculum, they are not financed by the Czech Ministry of Education. Some faculties can therefore charge a fee to cover their costs. For details of different courses, please contact the course/faculty coordinators.
Please note that you should always preferably enrol into a Czech language course for beginners at your host faculty, regardless of the different costs. Exceptions are granted if your host faculty does not offer a Czech language course (some smaller faculties don't, in particular during the summer semester period) and for advanced students. Advanced students need to approach the Faculty of Arts if they are searching for more advanced Czech language curriculum.
Students usually need to apply for a Czech language course at their host faculty already in their Learning Agreement.
The Erasmus Intensive Czech Language Courses (ICLC) are open to students who have been selected for an Erasmus+ study/placement and they are free of charge.
Although the language of instruction for Erasmus+ students is English and there is no required knowledge of Czech for you to take part in the programme, we see the importance of giving you the opportunity to learn the basics of the language before coming here. Knowing a little bit more about the culture and language is always an advantage when moving to a new country!
The courses start before the beginning of each semester (early September for winter semester/mid-January for summer semester). The classes are every day from morning to afternoon and run for 3 weeks. The course is designed to allow students not only to familiarize themselves with a new language, but also to learn about the Czech culture and customs. Therefore, the programme includes some cultural evening events. Students can take lessons either online or in person. For completing the course, students are awarded 5 ECTS credits. High attendance is a compulsory condition for a successful completion. The ICLC can be included in the Learning Agreement and will appear on your Transcript of Records.
Students will receive an invitation to join the course after they are accepted for the Erasmus+ programme to Charles University.
The courses are organised in cooperation between the European Office and the Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies of Charles University
During the time of your Erasmus study stay at Charles University in Prague you can join sport classes of your host faculty for free or for a small fee. For more information, contact the coordinator at your host faculty.