Rectorate's offers in 2024

For more details please contact or from Department of Science and Research.

Definice postdoktoranda na UK v češtině

Definition of a postdoc at Charles University in English

Offer 1 (support for the initiatives of year 1 and 2 postdocs):

Our support is aimed at postdocs, who, on their own initiative and in addition to their postdoctoral contract duties and with the permission from their line manager, independently organise lectures, seminars or courses including topics such as "academic integrity" and "experimental pedagogical experiences". All these events should be open to international audience and therefore preferably held in English.

If you are interested in this offer and already have a specific plan for this type of event, we encourage you to discuss the offer and your proposal with your line manager and send us your proposal. The financial offer supports up to 10 hours of extra work in one month.

You can find the application form required here

Applications for this round of offer are now open and accepted on a rolling basis.

Offer 2 (for postdocs):

Our support is aimed at postdocs, who, on their own initiative set up and run events such as conferences and symposia which include specific topics.

Details of the scheme

Bids can be for up to 15 000 CZK per event.

Applications for this round of offer are now open and accepted on a rolling basis.

Offer 3 (for postdocs - contribution towards the cost of relocation):

If you are a postdoc, who immediately before commencing your current postdoctoral contract with Charles University lived abroad or in a town other than Prague, Plzeň, Hradec Králové and had to move to one of those cities to take up postdoctoral position at Charles University, we offer financial contribution (Arrival Bonus) easing the cost of your relocation. If you are eligible for this offer, contact us and we will send the application form to you. At this stage however we only collect expressions of interest regarding this offer. The contributions will be paid out at the end of winter semester 2023/2024.

Application Form (Download, fill in, sign, scan and send the signed scan back)

Applications for this round of offer are now open and accepted on a rolling basis.

Offer 4 (for faculties and units - support for advertising postdoctoral position):

The Rectorate offers a financial contribution to support advertisements for postdoctoral positions at Charles University. Please note that advertisements need to comply with the current definition of a postdoc at Charles University, need to be published in English and in a field-specific database. They have to state clearly that a "postdoctoral position" is advertised.

Applications for this round of offer are now open and accepted on a rolling basis.

Offer 5 (access to space for events)

With the intention to facilitate development of invaluable skills and experience of postdocs at Charles University we are offering space in Kampus Hybernská suitable for

• Co-working;

• Giving lectures;

• Organising seminars or small conferences;

• Sharing good practice and experiences with doctoral students.

Offer 6 (for faculties and units)

Propagace místností v Kampusu Hybernská - možnosti návštěv za účelem seznámení se s prostory a jejich užíváním jak pro postdoky tak pro kontaktní osoby na součástech. Prosíme využijte kontakty na OVaV.

Místnosti jsou v části objektu, kde má prostory i platforma doktorandů.

See our space at Kampus Hybernská with your own eyes and decide if it suits your idea for organizing lectures, workshops, small conferences or co-work. Please contact Department of Science and Research.

In this space you can also find rooms of doctoral study hub.

Last change: February 22, 2024 14:44 
Responsible for site content: Research Support Office
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