
Charles University Halls of Residence

The Charles University arranges accommodation at Halls of Residence (= dormitories) for its incoming students. The application for a place in one of CU halls of residence has to be submitted in the Erasmus online registration.

Students are housed in double rooms. Single rooms are not available.

Please, do not book the university accommodation directly through the Accommodation Services. You will not be recognized as an Erasmus student and your booking will be cancelled. The only correct way to apply for the Charles University accommodation is via the Erasmus online registration.

However, please keep in mind that Erasmus students can be housed only in the following residences.

There are 4 residences located in Prague, 1 in Hradec Králové and 1 in Pilsen.

In case of full capacity of the four dormitories in Prague, students can also be accommodated in the Vltava dormitory in Prague.


Hradec Králové


Rooms at dormitories

The accommodation units consist of twin rooms (= double room with two separate beds) sharing bathroom facilities (shower and WC) with another room/s.

In Hostivař dormitory, almost all double rooms have its own bathroom facilities.

In Troja (17. Listopadu) and Bolevecká dormitory, the bathroom facilities are shared between two double rooms.

In Hvězda, Větrník and Na Kotli dormitories, bathroom facilities are shared among more rooms (on the floor).

A small kitchenette is usually at the end of each corridor (Hostivař, Větrník, Hvězda).

In Trója (17. Listopadu), the kitchenette is shared between two rooms.

Students can also use lavatory and hanging rooms in the building (keys are available at the reception for a small fee). Bedding and bed linen are provided in all our halls (bed linen is changed regularly); towels and kitchen utensils (such as pans, plates, cups etc.) are not provided.

Dormitory buildings

Dormitory places are assigned according to the host faculty (students from the same faculty are usually housed at the same hall of residence). Should you have a special preference for one of the dormitories, please let us know your requirement in the Erasmus online application form and we will try to allocate you a room corresponding to your wishes.

The accommodation will be provided for the period corresponding with your study stay at the Charles University.

Before arrival

A deposit (about 90 EUR) + first month’s rent (about 150 EUR) is to be paid approximately before arrival. You will receive an e-mail with further details well in advance. The payment has to be completed online by card using a special link that will be sent to each Erasmus student via e-mail. It is also possible to pay via bank transfer.

More information about prices at particular dormitories can be found here.

The rooms will not be available for occupancy earlier than one working day before the official start of your study stay. Please check the exact semester dates here.

Please note that it is possible to arrive on working days during office hours only.

Cancellation policy

Please always inform us if you wish to cancel the Charles University accommodation, especially if you decide to do so after the online application deadline (May 15th or October 31st), via: Not paying the deposit is not accepted as an automatic cancellation.

If you decide to cancel the place at CU Halls of residence, it is generally not possible to reapply for it.

If you decide to leave the accommodation earlier than stated in the accommodation contract, please keep in mind that the notice period is 1 month. The rent will be calculated retrospectively according to the number of days spent at the dormitory. If you do not inform the dormitory about the cancellation 1 month before leaving, you are obliged to pay a cancellation fee. For more information about the fees calculation, please click here.


For checking-in you will need:

  • passport/ID

  • accommodation voucher,

  • one passport-format photo

  • confirmation of the deposit payment (bank statement)

Rent payment

  • It is highly recommended to pay the rent by card using a special link that you will receive every month via e-mail. More information can be found here.

  • The rent can be also paid by card at the Accomodation Office during the office hours

  • First rent payment is made upon arrival (covering the second month of your stay)

  • Following monthly payments are made always no later than on the 20th of the preceding month

Housing assistance

Arriving to a completely new environment can be sometimes quite overwhelming. Therefore, each dormitory has its housing assistants - Charles University students staying at the same dormitory who will be always ready to help you with practical issues. Since all housing assistants speak English very well, they will be also able to help you with translations/interpreting at the dormitory.

The contacts for housing assistants can be found here.

Private accomodation

The Charles University is responsible only for the accommodation in dorms. However, there are also many possibilities to find private accommodation. The prices mainly depend on the location. The rent in Hradec Kralove is usually much lower than in Prague. When searching for private apartment, please note that there were also cases when international students were scamed when searching for a private accommodation.

Visa students: Please keep in mind that visa students are automatically provided with the accommodation in dorms. In case you are a visa student wishing to stay in a private accommodation, please provide us with a scan of your accommodation agreement. Only after that the dorm place can be cancelled.

Last change: August 9, 2024 10:03 
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