Student Mini-grants 2023: webinar

We are pleased to invite all the students interested in the Charles University 4EU+ student mini-grants to a webinar, where you will have the chance to learn about the experience of students who developed projects in 2022 and ask any questions you might have for the project teams and the 4EU+ local office.

Join us online on Monday, 19 December at 11:00 am!

Registration is open until 18 December.

Registration form

Poslední změna: 8. prosinec 2022 19:14 
Za obsah stránky zodpovídá: Evropské centrum
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Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Praha 1, 116 36

Česká republika

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČO: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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