Instructions for Windows

The following procedures are for submitting or exporting thesis in the PDF/A format required in Rector’s Measure no. 72/2017 – Accessing the Electronic Database for Theses.

These procedures are primarily used for submitting or exporting the thesis text. However, we highly recommend also using them for creating annexes, even image annexes. The measure requires that students submit the thesis text in PDF/A, version 1a or 2u.

The following links contain instructions for creating PDF/A 1a or 2u in the specific applications.

LibreOffice Writer (free of charge)

OpenOffice (free of charge)

Microsoft Word 2010 (commercial)

Microsoft Word 2013 (commercial)

Microsoft Word 2016 (free of charge for students of the following faculties: the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Education)

Export from TeX (free of charge)

Please note that Microsoft Word 2007 is not able to create the required PDF/A 1a.

Poslední změna: 24. leden 2019 16:09 
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