
Photo from the Welcome Day for postdocs held on 23rd October 2023. Thank you to all those who were present and for their challenging questions and remarks.

Charles University supports teams collaborating within the 4EU+ Alliance through so-called mini-grants. For the year 2024, teams comprising academics from Charles University and at least two other 4EU+ universities can apply for financial support in this seed-funding project scheme. Deadline for submitting requests for support is 15 January 2024. Detailed information here.

GAČR publishes results of the Postdoc Individual Fellowship competition on this website.

GAČR prepared a publication on grant possibilities for starting academics and researchers. It can be downloaded on this website free of charge.

Centre for Lifelong Learning call for English for Academic Writing and Presentation skills for academics and researchers courses. Both courses are free of charge. Detailed information and your expression of interest on this website and this website.

The Fritz Thyssen Foundation supports scholarly events, in particular national and international conferences in specific areas of research. Apply for support until 30.11, 28.2., 31.5. and 31.8. German scientists should take part in the project or there should be a connection to a German research institution. Detailed information on this website.

Edith Saurer Fonds call for research stipend on social inequalities from the historical perspective. Apply until the end of year 2023 on this website.

GAČR informs about International projects (LA projects) evaluated on the “Lead Agency” principle which are aimed at supporting international cooperation with Germany, Austria and United States of America. Detailed information on this site.

The Branco Weiss Fellowship offers an opportunity for postdocs in all areas of natural and social sciences and engineering who have conceived an original and independent research idea that falls outside the scope of large-scale research projects. They will receive support for up to five years. More information on this website. Deadline for applications is 15th January 2024.

Gerda Henkel Stiftung call for General Research Grants: Scholarships and General Research Grants: Projects in enumerated fields of social sciences and humanities. Detailed information available on this website. Smaller funding amounts (max. € 25000) are granted by the Foundation through a simplified procedure with a deliberation time of approximately three to four months.

List of Post-Doctoral Fellowships at Charles University has been announced by Junior Fund. More info on this website.

Experientia Foundation is offering a unique opportunity in the form of a grant to help finance a year-long post-doctoral fellowship or research stay at a foreign university of your choice.

Submit a grant application by 15 March 2024. Detailed information on this website.  

The MSCA-COFUND action provides funding for regional, national and international programmes for training and career development, through co-funding mechanisms. MSCA-COFUND (The next deadline is scheduled for 8th February 2024). How to apply instructions* here.

*postdocs can submit applications directly in coordination with receiving institutions abroad.

Next deadline for Postdoctoral Fellowships is 9th April 2024. Detailed information on this website.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) call for applications for the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Overseas Researchers FY2024. The Division of International Cooperation of the Czech Academy of Sciences will administer applications from the Czech Republic. Deadline for applications on the Czech side is 14 April 2024. Detailed information on this website.

Another session of Join the Debate will take place on 30th October 2023 at 17:45 hours at Campus Hybernská (Space 2D). The guest will this time be RNDr. Lenka Slavíková, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. Please register for the event on this website.

The Faculty of Education organized the TSTT 2023: International Conference Rethinking How to Train Teachers of Tomorrow from 15th to 17th September 2023. The conference was arranged by postdoc Gamze Korbek, Ph.D. from the Pre-Primary and Primary Education Department. Take a look at the photographs from the conference here.

Welcome Day for postdocs will take place at Kampus Hybernská on 23rd October 2023 at 4pm in Space 2D. More information and registration on this website.

Welcome Day for postdocs will take place at Kampus Hybernská on 29th May 2023 at 4pm in Space 2D. More info and registration here. There will be a guided tour of Prague after the programme at Kampus Hybernská.

Proofreading in Czech and English languages course also for postdocs. Detail information and registration here.

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) is announcing calls for proposals for tenders in the area of Standard Projects, JUNIOR STAR, POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP, and International and Lead Agency projects. Please do consult these calls at your faculties.

Join the Debate with PostDoc Dr. Gamze Korbek at Campus Hybernská. She will talk about her experience as a postdoc at Charles University.

More info  Registration

Date and time of the event: 13 March 2023 (16:00 - 18:00 hours)

Eugenia Boffo, Ph.D. shares her experience as a postdoc at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University. You can listen to the Postdoctoral Podcast here.

A postdoc position for a candidate with strong experience in the physics and/or chemistry of 2D materials. The successful applicant will join Dr. Matěj Velický and his team, supported by the prestigious Lumina Quaeruntur Award, who are exploiting tunable electrochemistry and spectroscopy of 2D materials. This position remains open until a suitable candidate is found.

From now on you can follow us at Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Applications welcome! With the intention to facilitate invaluable skills and experiences of postdocs at Charles University we announce a range of opportunities for postdocs: Rectorate offers (various deadlines).

EMBO informs about Postdoctoral Fellowship programme. Please have a look at the guidelines here.

Czech Language Courses for Foreign Employees info regarding current courses starting January 2023

You are a post-doc with knowledge, experiences and skills and you would like to share some of it with CU PhD students in a friendly post/doctoral space of Kampus Hybernská - the opportunity is here for you: Join the debate as a speaker

Junior Fund - its goal is to attract prospective international post-doc researchers, who will carry out research within a specific field. (many offers, various deadlines).

Crowdhelix is an Open Innovation platform that forges links between an international network of excellent researchers... (as an employee of UK you can become easily a member).

The Grant Agency's of the Czech Republic new publication for junior scientists, which will help them find their way in grant competitions and their conditions.

DAAD Research Grants (Short Term) also for postdocs

Walter Benjamin Programme for postdocs (ongoing applications)

Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral and experienced researchers (reviewing applications every March, July and November)

Open online course The first Excellence-in-ReSTI module

- introduction to the European Union institutions, their strategies, policy goals and funding structures

Czech Language Courses for Foreign Employees

E-learning course: How to publish in Open Access Now available in English!

and other Open Science courses here

Research Management courses and more

New website for postdocs at Faculty of Education

Journal Nature - How to Deal with Postdoctoral Problems

Last change: June 11, 2024 13:59 
Responsible for site content: Research Support Office
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