Michael Pondělíček

Mgr. Michael Pondělíček, Ph.D.

Assistant professor at Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies (MIAS), Czech Technical University in Prague

Expertise and focus:

Long-term expert work in landscape and nature protection, environmental aspects of regional development, Development and the environment, Territorial systems of ecological stability, landscape and urban vegetation. Adaptation of settlements to the effects of climate change and practical implementation of adaptation measures and strategies.

Form of mentoring meetings:

Either way, online or offline

Has an experience in:

Academic career, Career in the private sector

Link to CV

Previous mentoring experience: 



To pass on long-term experience in the field and its practice, not theory.

Career guidance topics you can discuss with the mentor: 

  • Identifying and utilizing one's skill set

  • Differences between academic and non-academic careers

  • Asking essential life questions

Research related experience the mentor is ready to share with the mentee: 

  • Writing popular science articles

  • Innovative teaching methods

  • Participating in events together with a mentee (conferences, symposia, fairs, etc.)

  • Transition from academia to the private sector

  • Consultation on required competencies for the private sector

Poslední změna: 5. listopad 2024 09:07 
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IČO: 00216208 

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