Lifelong Learning Program Participant Card

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Designated for:

Persons admitted to a lifelong learning program who have been admitted to the lifelong learning program by its provider and are registered in the CU Information System as participants in the lifelong learning program (hereinafter referred to as “lifelong learning program participants”).


The validity of the card is limited to three years from the date of issue

marked on the card. If the card holder is still a participant in a lifelong learning program after three years have passed, a new card will be issued upon expiry.


When having a card issued, the participant can choose whether they want a lifelong learning program participant card without the ALIVE license or with the ALIVE license. The ALIVE license is valid:

A) Until 31 December of the current calendar year if the license was issued or renewed before 1 September of the relevant calendar year

B) Until 31 December of the following calendar year if the license was issued or renewed after 1 September of the relevant calendar year


200 CZK Lifelong learning program participant card (first issue)

520 CZK Lifelong learning program participant card with the ALIVE license (first issue)

Issued At:

Prague, CU Point, Celetná 13,

Prague, Faculty of Law, nám. Curieových 7,

Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 3,

Hradec Králové, Dormitory Na Kotli, Na Kotli 1147,

Plzeň, Student Affairs Office of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Husova 3,

The opening hours and contact information of CU card service centers

Replacement Cards: Lifelong learning program participant card - 200 CZK

Lifelong learning program participant card with the ALIVE license– 520 CZK

The card replacement fee is to be paid by the lifelong learning program participant at a card service center regardless of whether the first issuance was paid for by the user or the relevant faculty or department. This fee does not apply to replacement due to a change in personal information or a malfunction of the technical features of the card not caused by the holder.

No fee for a replacement card is charged if the external service user presents a report from the Police of the Czech Republic proving the card was stolen (the lifelong learning program participant still has to pay for the ALIVE license).

Last change: October 25, 2024 11:10 
Responsible for site content: CU POINT
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