Charles University Employee Card

Background Color:

Orange (no license, ITIC license) or blue (ALIVE license)

Designated for:

CU employees and persons who have an agreement to perform work with CU (hereinafter referred to as “employee”)


The duration of the employment or the validity of the agreement to perform work, but no longer than nine years from the date of issue. If the employee is employed or has concluded an agreement to perform work at more than one CU faculty or department, they will have a separate card issued at each of the faculties/departments. The employee will have a unified ID within the CU Information System with all the issued cards registered under that ID. The employee must return their card(s) upon termination of employment or agreement to perform work.

Card Types:

- CU employee card

- CU employee card with the ITIC license (International Teacher Identity Card)

- CU employee card with the ALIVE license

Each employee can have only one card with the ITIC license at any given period. Only academic and teaching staff with a minimum FTE of 0.3 and /or an employment agreement for a fixed term of at least twelve months are eligible to get a card with the ITIC license.

Each employee can have only one card with the ALIVE license, provided the employee doesn’t already have a card with the ITIC license (this applies even if the validity of the ITIC license marked on the card has expired). This card can be issued to CU employees who are not eligible to receive a card with the ITIC license based on their employment relationship to a CU faculty or department.


Free - CU employee card

320 CZK - CU employee card with the ITIC license

320 CZK - CU employee card with the ALIVE license

Renewal of the ITIC/ALIVE license (indicated by a holographic sticker on the card) is subject to a fee in the same amount.

Issued At:

Prague, CU Point, Celetná 13,

Prague, Faculty of Law, nám. Curieových 7,

Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 3,

Hradec Králové, Dormitory Na Kotli, Na Kotli 1147,

Plzeň, Student Affairs Office of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76,

Plzeň, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Information Technology Center, Lidická 1 (Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen employee cards)

Or as agreed with the relevant faculty of department. If required, cards can be issued at a mobile card service center for a specified period.

The opening hours and contact information of CU card service centers

Replacement Cards:

CU employee card - 200 CZK

Employee card with the ITIC/ALIVE license - 520 CZK (200 CZK for the card, 320 CZK for the license)

This fee does not apply to replacement due to a change in personal information or a malfunction of the technical features of the card not caused by the holder.

CU Internal Regulation:

The use of ID cards at CU is governed by Rector's Directive No.39/2023

Last change: August 31, 2023 11:32 
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